Synergy 4.9.4 to 4.9.7 releases
Learn what's new in the help files in these releases. The following help topics were created or updated for the 4.9.4, 4.9.5, 4.9.6, and 4.9.7 Synergy releases.
New topics
Revised topics
Change Type |
Functional Area |
Description |
General |
System requirements - Connect and SQL updates. The supported Connect products now include MYOB V19.14, MYOB AccountRight Live 2017.1 and 2017.1.1, and Reckon Accounts 2017. The supported SQL versions now include SQL2016 Express for install on a Synergy server. |
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Projects | Project Forecast - Read only for closed sub projects. Sub projects that are at proposal or active status can have a forecast value set, and edited. Once the sub project is at complete or unsuccessful status the forecast values are read only and cannot be edited. |
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Projects | WIP Transfer. The unallocated costs sub project is only shown in WIP transfer if one of the system settings that allows this option to be used is ON, If all four options are off, then the user will not see the unallocated costs sub project in WIP transfer. |
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Projects | Sub project tasks. View an image that show if each of the standard timesheet tasks are to be utilised or non-utilised project work. |
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Projects | Resource management report. Use the Print button in the company planning board to export a report to MS Excel®. The report outlines the planned time by project and by staff for a selected date range. Learn more about customising this report. |
New topics
Revised topics
Change Type |
Functional Area |
Description |
General |
High resolution devices supported. Learn about what is a high resolution device, and how Synergy appears slightly differently on a high resolution monitor vs a standard resolution monitor. |
New topics
Revised topics
Change Type |
Functional Area |
Description |
Projects |
Supplier bills > Disbursement lines. Ability to clear the disbursement line to alter the expense type has been added to the disbursements panel of the open bill. The upgrade process will ensure that bills do not have a blank 'expense type' on any disbursement lines, it will be updated to 'general' if blank. |
Projects |
Supplier bills > Disbursement lines. The 'project invoice number' column has been added to Bills list and the open bill record as an optional column. This display the project invoice number that the bill record is attached to, or the word many if the bill lines are attached to multiple project invoices. |
Excel export |
Export to Excel 2016. When having problems exporting data to MS Excel 2016, update the default number of sheets created in Excel. |
Connect |
MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Interface. The interface required for Connect has a different name in different MYOB versions. Read more about how to locate your version, and start the interface. |
Connect |
MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Invoice salesperson. The Synergy project manager that the invoice relates to is sent to the MYOB invoice (sales record) as the salesperson, if they are setup in MYOB as an employee. |
Extras |
Synergy news feed. See updates from the Synergy team as you login to the desktop application. Read news published about Synergy releases, interfaces to add-on products like Synergy Connect, and details about training webinars. |
New topics
Revised topics
Change Type |
Functional Area |
Description |
My Synergy |
Search for Supplier expense (Bills). The global search in Synergy has been updated to allow search for a supplier expense (bill) invoice number. |
My Synergy |
Reminders List > Complete reminders. Mark a reminder as completed to remove it from the overdue filters in the list view. |
My Synergy |
My reminders panel > Complete reminders. Use the checkmark toolbar icon to mark reminders as completed and hide them from the overdue filters in your my reminders panel on the my synergy dashboard. |
My Synergy |
Notes > Linked items. When the note is open you can double click a 'linked to' item to open the record for the linked project, sub project, contact, or staff member. |
Timesheets |
<Office> sub projects changed to be 'no billing'. As part of the 4.9.4 release upgrade all transactions linked to the <Office> project for internal time or expenses will be set to be written-off. Learn more about this change in the office transactions topic. |
Timesheets |
Cash expense entry has cash rates. The cash expense entry process has been updated to include the new 'cash' rate type. |
Projects |
Supplier expense bill entry and list (4.9.4 or higher release). Learn how to use the re-design supplier expense (bill) entry screen available in the 4.9.4 release. Learn the process to create the supplier expense, and the actions available in the list view. |
Projects |
Project time and Expenses tab new columns The existing column 'invoice markup' has been renamed to 'invoice writeup $', and two new optional columns have been added to show the invoice writeup as a ratio in both $ and % format. |
Projects |
Project profitability tab new columns. The existing column 'invoice markup' has been renamed to 'invoice writeup $', and 'budget residual $' was renamed to 'budget variance $'. The two columns labelled 'profit % have been renamed to 'std gross profit %' and 'act gross profit %'. New optional columns have been added for 'standard markup %, 'act markup %', and 'net residual $'. |
Projects |
Project list new columns. New optional columns have been added to project list for 'Net residual $', 'Invoice Write Ratio', and 'Invoice Writeup Ratio %'. The 'budget residual $' column has been renamed to 'budget variance $' to allow for a positive or negative variance to the budget value. The budget variance column only shows results for sub projects that are at proposal and active status. |
Projects |
Project financial summary tab new columns. The existing column 'invoice markup' has been renamed to 'invoice writeup $', and the column 'budget residual $' has been renamed to 'budget variance $'. New optional columns have been added for 'invoice writeup ratio', invoice writeup ratio %', and 'net residual $'. |
Projects |
Cash rate type in work breakdown. The new cash rate type can now be included in the planned budget in the work breakdown tab. This is part of the Resource Management module (* Synergy Enterprise only). |
Projects |
Project phase groups in more tabs. The project phase groupings have been added to more project tabs, and the sort order of the tab has been updated to keep the rows listed in the phase groupings. |
Projects |
Amend project budgets. Update of the fields for a project budget row is supported on both the project budget tab and the sub project budget tab. Update the rate, task, staff, and budget units / value fields as required on any saved budget row. |
Projects |
Residual value in invoice create. The residual value for a sub project or phase group can be seen when creating a new invoice, to see the maximum value that can be included on future invoices. |
Projects |
Long file names warning in the Outlook plugin. Windows Explorer has a file name length restrictions. If the default file name being created in the Synergy Outlook plugin exceeds the maximum characters, then a warning is shown. This allows the user to adjust the email name before saving to be valid for Windows. |
Projects |
Rename file option in the documents tab. Use the new 'rename file' button in the documents tab to adjust a file name in Synergy. This can be required if the email file name that was created in the Synergy Outlook plugin exceeds the maximum allowed characters for a file to be opened in Windows Explorer. |
Reports |
Staff actual cost columns in transaction reports. Try the new columns in staff timesheet and transaction report to display the staff actual cost as a yearly / annualised value, or as a monthly value. The staff utilisation column has also been added to these reports. |
Reports |
Synergy data > Excel export in SCS. Learn about the new reporting option available in Synergy Cloud Services. Export selected Synergy data to an Excel file, which can imported into a sample file for Microsoft Power BI. Power BI can be used to analyse your Synergy data in dashboard style reports. |
Reports |
Synergy data > OData Connection in SCS. Learn about the Synergy OData Connection which is used to create BI dashboard reports using tools like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and more. The OData interface lets you export many tables of Synergy data, and quickly refresh the data in third party reporting tools. |
Connect |
Connect > Supplier Bills changes overview for 4.9.4. Changes have been made to Connect for MYOB AccountRight, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier). Read more about these changes to Connect for tax codes, supplier bill due dates, export restrictions, matching on invoice # vs unique ID, and extra notes available to be exported (Xero only change). |
Connect |
Connect > MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Account codes. Review the account code mapping options that can be used for mapping where data is sent to in MYOB AccountRight Live by Connect. Account codes can be used for invoices and expenses. |
Connect |
Connect > MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Supplier expenses export settings and restrictions. Review the settings available to export supplier expenses (bills) to MYOB ARL, and that supplier expenses will only be exported when they are marked for export to connect, fully disbursed, and locked as a finalised bill. |
Connect |
Reckon Accounts Tax Codes Mapping. Use the new 'tax' tab in QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) Connect to map which tax code will be used when an invoice is created by Connect vs a supplier expense / bill. A separate mapping option is available for tax free and tax applicable. |
Connect |
MYOB V19 - Activate online. When setting up Synergy Connect for MYOB Classic V19 for the first time the new 'online activation' process is available now from MYOB. Steps to use this process have been added to this setup help topic. |
Connect |
Xero Connect > Staff expenses export settings. Enable the new staff expense export option to send the note entered on the staff cash or travel expense across to Xero. The note sent to Xero will appear as a $0 line item within the Xero Purchase record. |
Connect |
Xero Connect > Suppliers (Bills) export settings. Enable the new supplier (bills) expenses export option to send the notes entered against the disbursement lines of the bill to Xero. The notes entered on disbursement lines will appear as a $0 line item in the Xero Purchase record. The due date from the Bill is exported to the Xero purchase record. |
Connect |
Xero Connect > Preview the sync. New column added to the preview for Supplier(Bill) 'due date', and extra option available to edit the supplier expense from within the supplier expense lines or payments tab. |
Connect |
Xero Connect > Preview errors > Warning messages. Explanation added for the new warning messages shown in the preview window for contacts and supplier expenses (bills). Lines with warnings can still be sync'd to Xero, but lines with errors cannot be sync'd until the error is resolved. |
Connect |
MYOB ARL Connect > Preview errors > Warning messages. New warning messages added for Supplier Bills have been added to the troubleshooting MYOB AccountRight Live overview. The new warning vs error message symbols explanation has also been added to this topic. |
Connect |
Connect > MYOB V19 Connect > Expenses tax codes. The tax code sent for each supplier invoice (bill) is taken from the disbursement line of the bill, and no longer refers to the sub project tax code after the upgrade to this release. |
Connect |
Connect > MYOB V19 Connect > Supplier expenses (bills) export restrictions. Connect will export supplier expenses (bills) to MYOB when the bill is marked as export to connect, fully disbursed, and is locked as a finalised bill. |
Connect |
Connect > Xero Connect > Supplier expenses (bills) export restrictions. Connect will export supplier expenses (bills) to Xero when the bill is marked as export to connect, fully disbursed, and is locked as a finalised bill. |
Connect |
Connect > Reckon Accounts (QuickBooks) Connect > Supplier expenses (bills) export restrictions. Connect will export supplier expenses (bills) to Reckon Accounts when the bill is marked as export to connect, fully disbursed, and is locked as a finalised bill. |
Practice |
Create cash expense rates. Add new cash expense rates to control the markup % shown in the project charge-out value for any staff cash expenses entered. Learn about the default cash rate created with the upgrade to this release. |
Practice |
Rates List includes cash rates. The new 'cash' rate type can be seen in rates list, and filter and sorting options are available for this new rate type. |
Administration tools |
Logged in users. System administrator access only can use the 'remove logged in user' button. Other access levels can view the list, but they cannot use this feature. |
Administration |
Financial Controls > Target Margin. In financial controls the field 'target profit' has been renamed to 'target margin'. |
Synergy Cloud Services |
What is Synergy Cloud Services. This overview topic has been updated to include the extra reporting options to export your Synergy data using either an Excel export or setting up an OData feed. This data can then be imported into business analytic tools such as Microsoft Power BI to create reporting dashboards. |
Tip: To learn more about the items listed, click on the link shown above in blue.
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