Financial Controls

Synergy requires standard financial settings to be used as calculation controls across project financials and reporting.  You may want to seek advice from your accountant to help determine the following figures.

Tip: These are practice standards - the units, super, availability and utilisation factor can be changed at the individual level.

What are the Financial Controls?

Setup the practice defaults to be applied for the entire Synergy database for calculating the project financials and reporting. Define the standard values that should be applied to new staff records in Synergy for: the number of working hours per week, the superannuation levy (retirement fund), the percentage each staff member is available to be in the office after taking into account annual and sick leave, and the default utilisation factor which is the % of time a staff member should be working on billable tasks. These default settings can later be adjusted on each staff record if required.

The practice settings here are overhead factor and target margin. These settings are used to calculate the actual cost values in Synergy. The overhead factor is the cost of running office where the staff member work, and is set to cover the office costs when calculating actual cost and profit in Synergy. Some staff will have a cheaper overhead if they work in a remote office or from home. Mark up / down the overhead factor at a staff record level to reflect that working in a remote office is cheaper than the primary office. The target margin (previously target profit prior to 4.9.4 release) is the what margin the organisation plans to make on work after the overhead and costs have been taken into account.

Why use the Financial Controls?

Set the target margin and operating overhead factor for the organisation, and define the default factors applied to new staff records in Synergy.

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