All users which require access to Synergy will need to have a staff record created. This will enable them to enter Timesheets and reimbursable expenses. Define what level of access each staff member has to Synergy to control what functions they have access to. A Staff Rate is assigned to each staff member, to define their hourly cost rate.
Setup required before use |
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Director System Administrator |
To learn more about how to the details on each of the staff record tabs.
This function allows you to create staff login accounts for Synergy, and assign the access level for each user to control what functions they have access to use. Additional information such as primary charge out rate, default office location, manager, and employment salary remuneration details are maintained using this function. Create a staff user account to either allow the user access to Synergy to enter timesheets, or to have another user enter their timesheets, or for administration purposes where no timesheets are required.
Setup staff login accounts, and define which functions each staff member has access to use. Enter the salary remuneration details for the staff member for use in the profitability reporting features in Synergy.
There are three types of user accounts that can be created in Synergy:
Review the steps required to create each type of these user accounts.
Setup a staff record to allow application login to Synergy and timesheet entry. Staff records have salary remuneration details entered for use with the profitability reporting in Synergy. Complete the following steps to setup the staff account:
In some cases you may not want the staff member to login into Synergy. However another user will be entering their timesheets, and you want this staff members remuneration to be included in the profitability calculations. In this case you need to create a staff record, and remove the ability to access the application. Complete the following steps to setup this staff account:
Tip: This will stop this user from being able to login to Synergy. They will still be shown in drop down lists, and other management users can enter their timesheets.
Application Login accounts allow access to Synergy for external consultants, however they are not able to enter timesheets and are not included in the profitability calculations. This type of account might be used if you have an external bookkeeper, and they need to login and run the Synergy Connect feature only. Complete the following steps to setup this staff account:
Assign colours to each staff member for use in the Resource & Capacity Planning module (For use by Synergy Enterprise clients only). NEW 4.8 Colours are used on the project work breakdown structure and schedule tabs as a quick visual queue to see which staff member is assigned to complete each task.
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
Colours can be applied to records which are staff type . Application access only
login accounts used by external contractors cannot have colours applied, as they are not used within the Resource & Capacity Planning module for scheduling purposes.
Click the image above to view an example of Staff List where the same colour has been applied to each access level.
Staff records including general contact details and position can be exported to MS Outlook®.
Complete the following steps
If the company has a large number of employees, use the search function to quickly locate the person you are looking for within the list.
Tip: To return to viewing all staff records, use the filter to return to viewing 'Active' staff. The filter is located in the top right corner of the list.
Staff & Application Security List defaults to display all 'Active' staff. If you want to locate Inactive staff records, for employees that have left the company you need to change the filter that is applied to the list. The available list filters are shown in the top right corner of the screen. Click the word 'Active' to view the other available list filters.
The available list filters are
Mark the staff record to show they have terminated employment with the company to remove the staff member from drop down lists. For example this will remove the staff from the application login list, and the Project Manager list, and reporting filters when using a filter such as Staff = "is employed true or false".
The system will default to today's date as the termination date. Use the drop down calendar to update this to the date that the staff member left the company.
Tip: Terminate an staff record when the staff member leaves the company. The terminated staff record will no longer be included in the Power or Named
user licenses count. This allows you to add a new staff record into Synergy for the new starter at your company.
The Edit Card ID's button allows the Card ID to be assigned to all staff records which are missing a card ID number.
NEW 4.8.5
Add the Card ID to all Staff records by:
The card ID number that is assigned will be unique across all contact and staff records in Synergy.
Staff documents including remuneration salary, annual extras, superannuation and general staff details can be created from the Staff List. Before completing the following steps, make sure you have created a document template to generate the Word output. Learn more about how to create Document templates.
Send a new email message to a internal staff using the Synergy Email Wizard. This feature allows you to use the email templates to automatically populate the email subject line and body of the message. The staff type email templates are available for use. Learn more about email templates.
Send a new email message by:
Add the plugin to your My Synergy dashboard to view a Staff contact list, which displays all Active staff. If multi offices is activated, use the filter to view the staff contact details for each office. To learn more about the staff plugin review the My Synergy Plugins topic.
Staff that are setup as power users when they have Assistant Project Manager access level or higher assigned to their staff record. Power Users are shown with the image in the list. Staff that are setup as a named user when they have been assigned the User access level. Named Users are shown with the image
in the list. Power and Named users are both setup on their staff records with the 'Application Access' enabled. Terminated or Inactive staff records are not included in the count for number of power or named users. Only the 'Active' staff records with 'Application Access' enabled are included in the count of the number of power or named users.
The number of power or named users is defined when you purchase or renew your Synergy license. If you have a 'Concurrent' Synergy license type, then power and named users are not defined. This setup is only completed by synergy for the 'Split' licensing type. Contact the Total Synergy Support Team for more information about the license options on 61 2 8197 9000.
The staff records created have a summary shown in the list view. Right click in the list to export the list to excel, or apply filters.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following staff related topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the Practice related topics: View Topics
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