When logging into Synergy you are advised that the application login is not allowed as the number of Power or User licenses has been exceeded. When trying to login to Synergy the following warning message in the screen shots below maybe shown. The warning message reads:
"There are more power users or names users nominated for this database than your license allows. Please get your system administrator to login and update the 'Staff and Application Security' module to correct this."
Maximum Power Users reached warning
Maximum Users reached warning
Click the images above to view the sample of the login warning message.
Each companies Synergy license has a number of power or named users
defined if the split licensing option was chosen when purchasing your Synergy license. The number of power or named users is defined when you purchase or renew your Synergy license. The warning message above indicate that there is a greater number of 'Active' staff records which have 'Application Access' granted than are allowed for the purchased number of power / named users licenses purchased.
The warning messages above will not be shown for the Synergy Concurrent license types. Contact the Total Synergy Support Team for more information about the available license options on 61 2 8197 9000.
In staff and application security list, the staff that are setup as a 'power user' display this image and are setup with an access level of Assistant Project Manager or higher. Staff that are setup as a 'named user' display the image
and are setup with a User access level. These license type symbols are only shown for staff records that are setup with 'Application Access' allowed.
To resolve the login warning message:
Click the image above to view the warning in Staff and Application Security List.
Tip: If you require additional Synergy licenses, please contact the Total Synergy Team on 61 2 8197 9000. They can assist you in purchasing extra licenses to allow more staff to be able to login and use Synergy.
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