Email Templates

Setup email templates to populate the default content in emails created from within Projects, Contacts, Invoices, Staff, Contract Administration and Personnel functions. NEW 4.8

Tip: View a step by step guide on how to create a Transmittal Email Template.

What are Email Templates?

Email templates allow you to setup the default content that will be shown in a New Email Message in your email software such asMS Outlook®. The email body and subject line content is entered in the editor in either the:

Both modes allow you to add text, apply text and paragraph formatting, and add Synergy bookmarks to the email templates to automatically populate data from Synergy into the emails created using the template. Use the user security option on the email header to define which user access levels can use each Email Template, to have one template for only directors and above, and another template available to all users.

Email Templates could be created to replace some of the MS Word®Document Templates. Use Email Templates from within the functions Projects, Invoice Maintenance, Contract Administration, Staff and Application Security, Contacts, and Personnel.

Why use Email Templates?

Use Email Templates to save time by automatically populating Synergy content into new MS Outlook®emails. Setup different types of email templates for each of the Synergy modules.

Email Templates Types

The template type selected using the header creation controls where the template can be used in Synergy, and what type of bookmarks are available for use when setting up the email template content.

Step 1: Email Template Header

The email template needs to have the header record created, before the content of the email is defined. The header defines the name of the template which will be shown in drop down lists, the template type (Project or Invoice etc), and which Synergy access levels can use the template.

Tip:Deleting email templates is not supported. If you want to stop a template from being used, make the template 'inactive'.

Step 2: Using Email Template Editor

Setup what the contents of the email template will be using in the email template editor. The email template editor allows you to:

Tip: Want to know more about the options in the Email Template Editor? To learn more review the Email Templates advanced options topic.

Hero Mode for the Email Template Editor

Use the Hero Mode to enter the HTML code to be used by the body of the email template. Add Synergy bookmarks to the HTML to have Synergy data populate into the email output created by the template.

Tip: This option should only be used by advanced users that understand how to write HTML code. If you do not know how to write HTML, please use the Email Template Editor option to create the template.

Columns available

Tip: Looking for a template that is inactive? Change the filter in the top right of the list to 'Not Active' or 'All' to view the inactive templates.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Email Templates topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Administration Tools topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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