Transmittal Email Template

Create an Email template to provide the default text to be shown in the body and subject line of the email. The Transmittal email will be sent to the Project Contacts with the accompanying Transmittal documents. NEW 4.8.5


What is the Transmittal Email Template?

The Transmittal Email Templates can be selected when sending the Transmittal out to the Project Contacts. The Transmittal send process will automatically address the email to the project contacts and internal staff selected for that Transmittal. The email template will automatically populate the text shown within the email subject line and in the body of the email. Add Synergy bookmarks to the template to add details about the Project or Transmittal to the email output.

Why use the Transmittal Email Template?

Create the default subject line and body of the email to be sent out with the Transmittal Summary Document and ZIP package file.

Steps to create the template

Setup multiple email templates to be used when sending out Transmittals, and use the access level controls on the email template header to control which staff can use each of the Templates. Add Synergy bookmarks into the template to automatically populate Synergy Project or Transmittal data into the output.

Tip: When running Synergy or MS Outlook® do not use the 'run as administrator' option when using the email template features. An error can be shown when selecting to use the Transmittal Email Template if both MS Outlook® and Synergy are not run at the same access level.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Transmittals topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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