
There are two types of reminders in Synergy.  The first type of reminder is attached to a note. The second type of reminder is a time and date reminder attached to a Project or Contract, which will remind you to review the details again. Reminders appear in the My Synergy dashboard plugin.

Tip: Learn how to add plugins to the My Synergy dashboard.

What are Reminders?

Reminders can be created within a note to prompt a user to complete a follow-up task. Reminders can be attached to notes within Projects, Contracts, Staff records, Contacts and Personnel. The reminder can be set for yourself or another user to complete a task. Mark a reminder as completed, and it will be removed from the 'overdue' reminders filters.

Reminders can also be set on a Project or a Contract to remind a user to open it and re-review the details.

Why use Reminders?

Prompt yourself or another user to make a phone call to a client, follow up on meeting minutes, or review the project or contract details.

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