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A phases is used to group together 2 or more sub projects that are required to complete a stage of work. Phases are added to projects as a way to group together sub projects on invoices or fee proposal documents. When you have phases enabled you can choose if you:
Phases can also be seen in many other areas like the Sub Projects tab, Work Breakdown tab, Budget tab, Forecast tab, WIP tab, Time and Expenses tab, Financial Summary tab, Profitability tab, and in the Pre-Billing module. When phases are shown in these modules to make it easier to find the sub project(s) you are looking for in a large project. When entering Timesheets and Expenses the phase names are shown in the Sub project drop down list.
When sorting project tabs that show the phase detail the data is sorted within the phase group, in ascending or descending order as selected. Sort a project tab by clicking on a column heading and the phase default sort order is kept, and the data is sorted within the group in ascending / descending order for on the column selected. If you click on the 'sub project' column in a tab the phase groups are sorted in alphabetical order.
Group together sub projects for each stage to allow a phase summary value to be shown on the client invoice.
Phases can be switched on / off at any time during the project life cycle. Enable phases to have grouping on an invoice, and for advanced grouping within the Sub Projects tab. This is helpful when there are a large list of sub projects.
Click the image above to see where to turn phases on.
Click the image above to the initial phase grouping created.
Click the image above to see the extra phase groups and how to remove them.
Click the image above to see how to rename a phase.
Click the images above to see how phases look within a project.
Add a new phase group to a project by:
Click on the image above to see phases in a project.
The Sub Projects tab will display Phases which have Sub Projects attached by default. Locate the phase without sub projects by:
When you create an invoice you will select the Phase name(s) to be invoiced, instead of the Sub project name. The values entered for each sub project will be grouped together and shown to be invoiced as a Phase in the invoice wizard. Each Sub Project within a phase can then be updated to determine which transactions are included on the invoice, or if there is pre-billing performed for a fixed fee or percent of project fee type.
When creating the invoice output you can select to display the phase summary information, or the phase and sub project invoice details. The bookmarks to populate the phase and sub project information must be included in your invoice document template. A sample of am invoice with phase grouping and the sub project invoice breakdowns displayed is below.
Click the image above to view a phase invoice example.
Learn more about invoicing phases in the Invoicing 101 topic.
It is possible to display the phase details in the Proposal document templates. Use the 'fee detail table' available in the Proposal document template. This table allows the setup of a phase name, phase fee or phase budget total values to be displayed with the sub project breakdowns.
Learn more about creating a proposal document template.
Synergy reports do not have a column by default to show the Phase Name. Synergy phases are for invoicing purposes (not reporting) which is why this feature is not currently available. There there is a work-around available if you need to have this detail showing in your Synergy reports.
Click the image above to view the phase name attribute.
Click the image above to view allocating the phase name attribute.
View a sample of the report output with the Phase Name shown using attributes.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Sub Projects topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Projects topics: View Topics
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