
Use Phases to group together Sub Projects grouped that are for a similar type of work or stage of a project. The main purposed of Phases is to display the sub project information as a group to the client on the invoice or proposal document, and to the internal staff on the sub projects tab. Multiple fee types and sub project statuses are supported within a phase group, and phases can be switched on / off even when invoice exist for the project. NEW 4.8.8


What are Phases?

A phases is used to group together 2 or more sub projects that are required to complete a stage of work. Phases are added to projects as a way to group together sub projects on invoices or fee proposal documents. When you have phases enabled you can choose if you:

Phases can also be seen in many other areas like the Sub Projects tab, Work Breakdown tab, Budget tab, Forecast tab, WIP tab, Time and Expenses tab, Financial Summary tab, Profitability tab, and in the Pre-Billing module. When phases are shown in these modules to make it easier to find the sub project(s) you are looking for in a large project. When entering Timesheets and Expenses the phase names are shown in the Sub project drop down list.

When sorting project tabs that show the phase detail the data is sorted within the phase group, in ascending or descending order as selected. Sort a project tab by clicking on a column heading and the phase default sort order is kept, and the data is sorted within the group in ascending / descending order for on the column selected. If you click on the 'sub project' column in a tab the phase groups are sorted in alphabetical order.

Why use Phases?

Group together sub projects for each stage to allow a phase summary value to be shown on the client invoice.

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Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Sub Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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