Proposal documents can be created from a Synergy Project that will outline the project details, sub projects overview, sub project budget details, and the agreed fees. This fee Proposal document can be sent to prospective clients.
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Administrator System Administrator |
Administration tools > Document Templates |
The Proposal template can be used with any Project that setup as Proposal or Active Status. When setting up the Proposal template you can define which users have access to the document, and the document Save Options. Locate Document Templates topic to learn more.
Bookmarks added to the Proposal document template will be automatically populated from the relevant field in the Synergy database. Within the Available Bookmarks list you can choose to add a bookmark or add data as a table. Locate Data Tables on Proposals topic to learn more.
Add the fee detail table to display a breakdown of the sub projects details such as agreed fees and budgets. Locate Data Tables in Proposal documents topic to review advanced options when setting up a data table.
Click the images above to view samples of the Proposal fee detail table.
Tip: Select the Download icon to view a example
of a Proposal document, including a fee detail table. Locate Download a document template topic to learn more.
Add the 'Proposal sub projects table' and you can display a summary of the Synergy project details in your proposal document. Common details included in this table are the Phases, Sub Projects, Sub Project Manager, Sub Project Note, and Sub Project Attributes. Read the Data Tables in Proposal documents topic to find out about the advanced options when setting up a data table.
Click the image above to see the Proposal Sub Projects table with attributes.
Click the image above to see the Proposal document output with attributes.
Tip: Add a Bookmark into the 'Group Header' row and the content of the table below will be sorted. i.e. Add 'Phase' into the Grouping header, and all the Sub Projects will be sorted into the table by the phase (just like on the Project > Sub Projects tab.)
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Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: View Topics
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