Install the Synergy MS Outlook® plugin on each staff members PC file and save emails to Project, Contact or Contract records. Login to Synergy via the Total Synergy toolbar or the Synergy explorer panel
in MS Outlook® to enable the plugin features. NEW 4.8.7
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
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The Synergy MS Outlook® plugin can be installed on each users computer that has MS Outlook® 2013, 2010, or 2007 editions installed. (*Available for Synergy Enterprise clients only*)
Save all client emails to a central location in Synergy. Saving emails to Synergy allows the email text and attachments to be searchable within Projects, Contacts or Contract Administration functions.
Save received emails in MS Outlook® to Synergy document libraries. Import one or multiple emails in MS Outlook® to Synergy Projects, Contacts, or Contract Administration document libraries. Use one of the below email filing methods:
Save emails to Synergy using the Total Synergy toolbar. This method allows you to file emails to Projects, Contacts or Contracts. The Total Synergy toolbar is shown if the MS Outlook® plugin for Synergy is installed on the users computer.
Click the image above to see how to file emails using the Total Synergy toolbar.
Drag and drop multiple emails in MS Outlook® to a Project or Contact using the Synergy Explorer panel. The location of the Synergy Explorer panel can be changed for each staff member. Learn how to change the location of the Explorer Panel.
Click the image above to see emails being dragged and dropped to the Synergy Explorer panel.
Tip: Only My Projects and Contacts quick lists are available in the Synergy Explorer panel. File to Contract Administration folders using Method 1 or 3.
After logging into the Total Synergy plugin in MS Outlook® the Synergy save on send panel is shown in the new email message window. The Synergy save on send panel is found at the bottom of the new email message window. Use this panel to save the email being sent to a Project, Contact or Contract Administration document library.
Click the image above to see the Synergy save on send panel in a new email message.
Tip: Email filing wizard complete guide to all the buttons is found below in this help topic.
After importing email messages to Synergy document libraries you can locate the emails using the Windows Explorer style folder navigation. The document libraries keep all your files stored in a central location within Projects, Contacts, and Contracts.
The emails saved in Synergy will display a slightly different date depending on if the file was saved to the Controlled or Uncontrolled document libraries.
Controlled files will display the date that the file version was created. This by default is the date the email was sent in MS Outlook®.
Click the image above to view the controlled file date/time.
If a new version of the controlled file is created, then the email date will be updated from the 'Sent date' of the email to the last modified date of the file version. i.e. The email was sent on the 6th November at 10:46AM. If the email is not edited this is the date that is shown in Synergy. The date shows the sent date for the controlled email for version 1 in all cases.
The user later checks out the document,then checks the new file version back in on the 20th December at 2PM to create version 2 of the email. The date time shown in Synergy is the 20th December as this is the modified date for the most current version of the controlled file.
Uncontrolled files display the date that the email file was saved to the document library. If you file on sending the email message then this will show the same date/time as the 'Sent' email in the Preview pane. However if you file the received or sent emails in bulk at a later date, then the emails will all show the date/time that it was save to Synergy document library.
Click the image above to view the uncontrolled file date/time.
For example the user sent the email on the 6th November at 10:46am, but choose not to save the email to Synergy until the 20th December at 10:17am. The date/time shown in Synergy is 20 Dec 2013 at 10:17am, as this is the time that the uncontrolled file was last saved to the document library.
When emails are stored in the Controlled library you can see the Sender and Recipient email address details in the documents list for each email message. Additionally you can search for keywords within the email body for controlled files.
For example the keyword of 'Enterprise' is found in the body of the controlled email in image 1 below. Search for this keyword in the document library and the email is shown in the search results. If the email was in the uncontrolled library the email would only appear in the search results if the keyword was found in the file name.
Click the image above to see the Sender and Recipient details for Controlled files.
Click the image above to see keyword search in the body of Controlled files.
By using the Copy Email button to the right of the email subject you can save the same email message to multiple projects in Synergy. Simply copy the email message, then update the Save to project and folder locations.
Tip: This method can also be used for Contacts and Contracts.
Tip: Emails saved to a Contact are not visible within the Project. The contact document library is separate to the project document library.
The email import wizard allows you to import multiple emails from MS Outlook®, to be stored in the Synergy document library.
Use the top toolbar to save the listed emails and attachments to Synergy, or apply bulk updates to all the emails and attachments listed in the email import wizard. The toolbar actions available are:
Use the 'Copy email' button to the right of the email subject shown in the email import wizard to save the one email to multiple locations in Synergy. Clicking this button will create duplicate
email entries in the email import wizard. Use the duplicate entries to save the same email to multiple projects, contacts, or contracts.
Click the image above to view the location of the copy email button.
The email filing wizard automatically scans emails when the wizard is opened to look for the Project details. When found this will automatically populate the Save To location for the email. When sending a new email and using the save on send panel, the scan the email button will also check for the project, contact, or contract details. The scan ignores any HTML style sheets and font codes, to automatically link the email to a matching Synergy record.
The Synergy Email Wizard will scan the emails to look for a matching Synergy project or Contract. You can override the project/contract selected by the Auto-link feature, by manually selecting a project/contract name from the drop down list.
The system will scan the subject line and the body text of the email to locate items:
If no number or title can be matched, the system will not automatically link the email to a Project/Contract. The user can then manually select a Project/Contract from the drop down list.
An automatic link to the Project will not occur when the Project Title in Synergy has the same exact title for one more than one project. When duplicate project or contract titles exist, consider adding either the Project Number, Contract Number or Reference Name to the email. This will ensure that there is an automatic link to a Project/Contract when filing the email to Synergy. The Project Number, Contract Number and Reference Name fields are unique values, and will always automatically link the email to a matching Project/Contract.
Tip: Manually link to a Project by select a Project from the list of My Projects shown, or select (SHOW ALL) to select from a list of all Synergy Projects.
The Auto Scan feature will look for the following items (in the listed order) when saving to Contacts has been selected. If a matching Synergy contact email address is found when checking the email recipients, then the email Subject and Body is not scanned. Automatic link to a contact will not occur if the same email address is entered on more than one Contact.
Scan order for saving and linking to contacts is:
Tip: Open the Contact drop down and start typing the contact name to shorten the results shown in the list when saving an email.
When saving emails from MS Outlook® to Synergy the file name shown in the email filing wizard can sometimes contain to many characters. When this occurs the saved email cannot be opened in Windows.
In the Synergy 4.9.4 release (or higher) a warning is shown to let users know that the email they are saving has too many characters in the file name. The 'save as' field in the 'file in synergy' window will show a red outline when the file name is to long.
Click the image above to see the email filing warning for long file names.
When this warning is shown you can either:
The maximum number of characters for Windows Explorer is 260 characters. This is calculated using a combination of the folder path of where the file will be saved, and the file name itself. If you have a long folder path of where you plan to save the email into, then less characters will be available for the file name itself.
Learn more about the rename file button in the documents tab.
The email import wizard has several options of how to save attachments to Synergy. Choose if you are saving the attachments inside the email message file only, or as separate files in the document library. The advantage of saving the attachments separately is that the file names are then searchable within Synergy.
Click the image above to see these settings in the email wizard.
Click the image above to see these settings in the email wizard.
Click the image above to see these settings in the email wizard.
Click the image above to see these settings in the email wizard.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Documents topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Email topics: View Topics
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