Each user can set how the system appears, default project display by project name or project number or reset the user password.
Tip: Some of the settings detailed here will need to be activated in system settings first - see your System Administrator.
There's 2 settings that will help make things easier when launching Synergy - Auto login and Show at startup - you will see them when you go to login to Synergy.
Will display the list of users, ready for you to login.
This will not display the list of users and you will need to select the Login button.
Select a module from the drop down list, so that each time you launch Synergy, the selected module will open.
Timesheets can be entered within the Daily view or the Weekly view. Set what you want your default to be. If start and end times are activated, weekly entry of timesheets will not be available only viewing the weekly is available.
This is a great setting if you're not quite disciplined enough to add new Projects to your list.
great setting if you have Project manager
security levels creating their own projects, as when they do the project
will be added to their My project list.
not such a good one for Admin + Accounts staff to
use, unless they book time to projects.
Pressing F4 on the keyboard would invoke a swap of project number to project name. This will save it as the swapped selection, until such time you press F4 to toggle back to your original setting.
Type a new password, confirm and then save. Limit of 40 characters and a minimum of 1. Alpha and numeric characters are accepted.
Use the Links tab to Install the MS Outlook® plugin on your computer. After completing the install the Synergy toolbar and Explorer panel will appear in MS Outlook®. Use the Synergy MS Outlook® plugin to save emails to Projects, Contacts and Contracts folders.
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
Before starting the installation please close MS Outlook® on your computer.
Uninstall the Synergy Explorer plugin from MS Outlook® on your computer. The plugin can be re-installed at a later point if required. Uninstall the MS Outlook® plugin by:
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
Local documents
Specify the local directory to be used by Document Management. A copy of the controlled document is stored in this location whilst it is open in view or edit mode. Use the browse '...' feature to locate a folder to store the local document copies.
Open Controlled Documents
NEW 4.7.4
Check this box to specify that the default action for when controlled documents are double clicked, to be to open the document in view mode.
When this box is unchecked, double clicking a controlled document will open the folder the local copy of the file is saved within.
Tip: Double clicking an uncontrolled file the document and it will open. The above setting only alters the behaviour of controlled files.
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