Connect - Supplier Bills 4.9.4 changes

Connect has been updated for exporting Supplier expense (Bills) in the Synergy 4.9.4 release. Products updated Connect for MYOB V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and Reckon Accounts (formerly QuickBooks). Read about these changes before running Connect after upgrading to 4.9.4.NEW 4.9.4

Tax sent for Supplier Bills

These changes impact Connect for MYOB AccountRight V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier).

Workflow prior to 4.9.4 upgrade

The tax details sent via Connect for each Supplier Bill disbursement line was not taken from the Bill created in Synergy. Instead the tax details were sent from the sub project that the bill was disbursed against.

Due to this a separate sub project was often created to disburse 'tax applicable' supplier bills against one sub project, and another for 'tax free' bills. This way the correct bill total tax value was sent via Connect to the purchase record created in your accounting system.

Click the image above to see the tax code on a sub project.

NEW solution in 4.9.4

The tax rule used by Connect is taken from each supplier expense (bill) disbursement line. The line total including or excluding tax value will appear the same in Synergy and your accounting system, no matter what project / sub project you disburse the expense against. The tax code on the sub project continues to be used when creating a project invoice in Synergy, but has no impact any longer on the connect interface sync'd bill disbursement lines.

Click the image above to see the bill tax code that is sent via Connect.

As part of the above change the previous Bills design with a general tab and a 'Total' field with a check box for including tax have been removed. These fields have been replaced by being able to enter the line values, and the tax totals. Lines do not have to be disbursed against a project to be saved in Synergy, however each line on the Bill must be fully disbursed before they will show in the Connect preview window.

Tip: This change means you do not have to create a separate sub project any more to disburse bills against to make them tax free vs tax applicable.

Reckon Accounts only - Tax code settings

A new tab in the QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) Connect settings area has been added called 'Tax'. Define the tax free and tax applicable code to be used for Invoices and Expenses. This tab requires to be setup before you can sync any invoice, credit, or expense data to QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier). Learn more about this new Reckon Accounts Setting for tax codes mapping.

Bills due date field

These changes impact Connect for MYOB AccountRight V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier).

Workflow prior to 4.9.4 upgrade

Previously Supplier expenses (bills) entered in Synergy did not have a field for the entry of a 'due date'. The invoice date for the bill could be entered against each bill.

The invoice date entered was sync'd to most Connect products as the due date, when the due date was a required field on a created purchase record. In many cases users would edit the created bill purchase record in their accounting system at a later date to add the correct due date for the expense.

NEW solution in 4.9.4

Each Supplier Expense (Bill) created in Synergy allows the entry of both an invoice date and a due date. This lets you report in Synergy which bills are due for payment, and compare this to which bills have already been paid. Make sure the 'due date' and 'paid' columns are shown in your supplier expense reports or list views to complete this task.

Click on the image above to see the Due Date field in the Synergy Bill.

In Connect a Due Date column has been added to the preview tab for Supplier Expenses (Bills). This lets you check the due date for each bill before it is sync'd via Connect to your accounting system. This can be seen in Connect Preview for MYOB AccountRight V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier).

Click the image above to see the Due Date column in Connect Preview.

Tip: The 'due date' is shown in MYOB (V19 and ARL) as a '# of days' until the payment is due In Xero and Reckon Accounts this shows as a date field the similar to Synergy.

Export to Connect restrictions

These changes impact Connect for MYOB AccountRight V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier).

Workflow prior to 4.9.4 upgrade

Supplier expenses (bills) were shown in Connect Preview ready to export when they were fully disbursed against a Synergy project.

NEW solution in 4.9.4

The new Bill creation form in Synergy has additional features to for marking a bill as 'locked and finalised', and valid to 'export to connect'. These changes impact the Connect products for MYOB AccountRight V19 Classic, MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier).

A Bill must have the following three conditions met for the bill disbursement rows to be shown in Connect Preview:

  1. The Bill must be fully disbursed against a project.
    This means all lines on the bill must be disbursed against a Synergy project, or the <Office> project.
  2. The Bill needs to be marked as 'Export to Connect' is allowed.
    This defaults to being allowed on new created bills, and all existing bills are marked as export allowed as part of the upgrade to 4.9.4. If this option is unchecked then it is a Synergy Only Bill, which allows you to show a transaction line on a project invoice that is to sent to your accounting system to be paid.
  3. The Bill must be 'locked'.
    After entering a new Bill record in Synergy, the record must be marked as 'locked and finalised'. Locking a bill stops further editing of the record, and allows the record to be sent via Connect. Director access level and above can unlock a bill and edit the details if required.
    All existing bills that are fully disbursed are automatically locked as part of the upgrade process for the 4.9.4 release.

If a bill is not showing in the Connect Preview screen, then check which of the above may be causing this issue.

Tip: If the Bill record has already been sent via Connect to your accounting system, then it will not be shown again in Connect Preview. Also try checking the Purchases area in your accounting system to see if the record already exists when you don't see the item you are expecting in the preview tab.

Preview - Warning vs Error message (MYOB ARL and Xero)

These changes impact Connect for MYOB AccountRight Live, and Xero.

Workflow prior to 4.9.4 upgrade

If an error existed in the any of the tabs in the connect preview window, then an error symbol was shown on the tab. This prompted you to open the tab and check the lines shown before running Connect.

Warning message in some cases are shown in Connect Preview on a line when data is not in a valid format. However the warning for this was not shown at the top of the tab, and was only shown on the line. Some users advised they missed reviewing these messages before they had run connect, and a change was implemented to make this more obvious to review the warnings before using connect.

NEW Solution in 4.9.4

Warning and Error messages

If a warning message or error message is shown for any line in the preview for Connect, then a warning / error symbol is shown at the top of the tab. This applies to MYOB AccountRight Live and Xero Connect preview.

Click the image above to see the warning symbol in Xero Connect Preview.

Before running the connect sync it is important to review all warnings and errors that are shown in the preview window.

Tip: When you are unsure of an error / warning message - Skip the lines . Skipped lines will not be sent in the MYOB AccountRight Live or Xero Connect sync. Please then contact Synergy Support for assistance on how to resolve the messages shown for the skipped lines before sync-ing the data.

Bills matching - invoice # to unique ID change (MYOB ARL and Xero)

These changes impact Connect for MYOB AccountRight Live, and Xero.

What's changed

The interface for exporting Supplier expense (Bills) via Connect has changed for MYOB AccountRight Live and Xero.

IMPORTANT: In Connect Preview > Skip any supplier bills that already exist in your accounting system. Items not skipped will be sent in the sync, and will create a new record. Removing the items that already exist makes sure that there are not any duplicate records sent.

Supplier expense payment import (Xero Connect)

These changes impact Connect for Xero.

Supplier expense payments were imported and matched on the 'invoice #'. Due to the interface changes to Connect described above, the method used for matching bills between Synergy and Xero has changed.

NEW workflow after 4.9.4 upgrade - Supplier payments

Supplier expenses (bills) sync'd in the past (matched on invoice #) cannot have supplier payments imported.

The way we match a Bill records between Synergy and Xero has changed. Match was on ‘invoice number’ and is now on ‘unique id’ (see above). Previously sync'd Bills don’t have a unique ID in Xero for the Synergy interface used by Connect to match against. This error will occur for an interim period (approx 1 month), and then bill payments will import as normal using the new 'unique id' matching method.

Send expense notes as a $0 line (Xero Connect)

These changes impact Connect for Xero.

Workflow prior to 4.9.4 upgrade

Notes entered against expenses could be configured in Connect settings to be shown as the text on the disbursement line in Xero. This applied to Supplier expenses (bills), Cash expenses, and Travel expenses. However in some cases it was preferred to have the sub project details shown on the line, and when that option was used it was not possible to also sync the expense note to Xero.

NEW solution in 4.9.4

Tip: The above $0 line note options already existed for MYOB AccountRight Live Connect. These options are not available for MYOB V19, or Reckon Accounts Connect products.

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