Account Codes - MYOB ARL

Account codes are used to map the location that data will be sent to in MYOB AccountRight Live for invoices, credit notes, supplier expense payments, and staff expenses. Review the advanced account code mapping options in this topic.

Account code mapping options

The following account code mapping options are available to use with MYOB AccountRight Live Connect. Account codes allow you to define which area or account in MYOB the invoice or expense data will be linked to, for each item that is created by Connect. It is required that an account code mapping be selected before Connect can be run.

The table below is a summary of the options available for invoices and expenses to be sent to MYOB AccountRight Live. Advanced options such as attributes, cost centres, disciplines, and expense types can be used to ensure Invoices and Expenses are allocated to the appropriate account codes in MYOB.

Adding account codes

Add the account code mapping in connect on the invoices, supplier expenses, or staff expenses tabs by clicking the 'edit' button in the account code section of the page. Based on the option selected, further setup in Synergy will be required before you can run Connecct.

Alternate option: Add a fall back account number for MYOB. If the entered account number cannot be found, then the alternate value will be used in its place. Then if the contact, attribute, discipline, expense type or cost centre doesn't have an account code allocated to it, the connect sync for invoices / expense can still be run without error.

Review the steps below for an overview of how to setup the account codes in Synergy for the type that you want to map again:

Tip: If you use the mapping option of 'discipline' or 'cost centre' for invoices then they cannot be used for expenses. Due to this it is recommended that the 'expense type' option be used for mapping where supplier are staff expenses are sent to in MYOB.

Account code settings

In the account code select window you can double click the existing 'account code segment' to edit it and choose an alternate value. Or you can select the 'New Segment' button in the table and then choose one of the following account segment source options:

Tip: If you're utilising Disciplines for Invoices syncing, you won't be able to use Disciplines for Expenses - this is the case with all fields the can be used for mapping account codes (Attributes, Cost Centre, Expense Type).

Multiple account codes

The fixed value and attribute options allow you to sync transactions to a single account code. With these options each Invoice or Expense may not be broken down across multiple account codes.

If multiple sales income, or expense accounts exist in MYOB then the options that allow multiple account codes should be used for the connect mapping. These are discipline, cost centre, and expense type.

Once you have selected the invoice / expense source breakdown level, you will need to choose which account code the data should be allocated to. The account segments table allows you to create an account code that is made up of one source or several different sources. For example the account code is created using the segments of 'Cost Centre' and 'Expense Type'. Use the arrow icons to adjust the order of the segments within the supplier expense account table.

Tip: If an account code is missing from one of the above fields, then a warning will occur at the time of the sync that the code will need to be added - data won't sync if the code is missing.

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