Work Breakdown - Create

The work breakdown tab is used to define what the target budget is for each sub project, by adding a budget entry for each sub project, task, rate, or staff member. This topic will cover how to setup the work breakdown structure for a new project. NEW 4.8

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 


Why create the Work Breakdown Structure?

Create a work breakdown for the project to view all the tasks involved in each sub project, to define the project budget. Assign staff or a staff rate to each task for use in the Project Schedule Boards, to ensure they have time allocated to complete the work. Copy work breakdown items from budget templates to quickly create the rows required for each sub project. Use the markup functionality to increase the budget template units / values before the new work breakdown rows are added to the sub project.

Apply colour coding to the Tasks to make the work breakdown items easier to see at a glance in the project planning board and the company planning board.

Actions available


Steps to create the Work Breakdown structure

The following steps outline how to create a simple work breakdown structure for a new project.


Want to learn more?

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