Learn what each of the columns are within the work breakdown structure tab, and what each of the toolbar buttons does. The work breakdown tab is part of the resource and capacity management module. NEW 4.8
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
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Projects > Project Plan > Work Breakdown |
Learn how to monitor the Work Breakdown structure in the monitoring the work breakdown structure topic.
The Work Breakdown Structure is the first step required to create your Project Plan within the Resource and Capacity Management module.
The workflow to create a project plan is:
Tip: The work breakdown topics outline how to complete step 1 to create the project plan. Learn more about Step 2 in the Project Planning Board topic, and Step 3 in the Project Capacity Board topic.
The work breakdown tab allows you to define the structure of each sub project. Create a project plan by creating the defining what tasks are to be completed for each sub project, to create your sub project budget. Assign the sub project tasks to staff members, so that they know what work they have to complete. Apply colour coding to the Tasks to make the work breakdown items easier to see at a glance in the project schedule and planning boards.
Create a work breakdown for the project to view all the tasks involved in each sub project, to define the project budget. Assign staff or a staff rate to each task for use in the Project Schedule Boards, to ensure they have time available to complete the work.
Use the 'Phases & Sorting ' button in the toolbar to turn phases on / off and update the sort order of the sub projects. Re-order sub projects by using drag and drop, or using the toolbar buttons to shift the sub projects or phases up or down the list. The Project Audit tracks the changes to the phase names, sub project names, and when phases is turned on / off.
The default filter applied to the sorting window is 'Proposal and Active'. This only shows sub projects (and related phase groups) that are at either Proposal or Active status. This matches the filter applied by default in the Sub Projects tab. Change the filter in the top right corner of the window to 'All' to find a sub project of a different status.
Click the image above to view the phases sorting window.
Learn how to create new work breakdown structure rows in the Creating the Work Breakdown Structure topic.
Learn how to add new work breakdown structure rows by copying the existing rows to create new entries in the same sub project, or by adding new rows from budget templates in the creating the Work Breakdown Structure topic.
Update the budget values to reflect the real rates that you plan to use for invoicing for a project. Add project or sub project level specific rates to the project, then use the 'refresh budget' button in the work breakdown tab to apply the updates rates to the sub projects.
Refresh the budget values by:
Use the Edit row button to open the 'Work Breakdown Item' pop-up window for the selected row.
For detailed instructions on how to modify the existing work breakdown structure, please review the Updating the Work Breakdown Structure topic.
The order of items within each sub project can be changed. The default order displayed is the order in which the items are added to each sub project. If the tasks have been added via Sub Project templates, the default order shown is what was applied to the Sub Project Template > Budget tab. To change this to your own custom order:
Tip: Items can only be re-ordered within the sub project group. It is not possible to move a work breakdown item from one sub project to another.
During the project you can update the work breakdown to include the progress for each task with the % complete column. Type a % complete on a task row, and this is then shown like a bar graph on the row. This allows users to easily see at a glance the progress of each item in a sub project. When updating this field type the % complete then click tab to go to the next row, then click tab again to open the next cell for data entry (it's a double tab).
Mark an item as 100% completed and the task cannot be used by staff in their timesheet entry for the project. This is not suggested to be used during the initial creation of the work breakdown structure. This feature would be used when monitoring the progress of the project plan. Normally you would mark the task as completed once all required timesheet transactions have been allocated. Once all the task entries with the same 'task name' have been marked complete on the sub project, the task is no longer available for use when entering timesheets.
Use these buttons in the toolbar to expand or
collapse the list of Sub Project and Work Breakdown Items. This can be very useful with large project, to collapse all phases or sub projects then just expand one phase or sub project to review the related tasks.
The Expand All and Collapse All options are also available via a Right mouse click in the Work Breakdown list.
Tip: Use the grouping options to expand / collapse the details on the work breakdown tab, and the expand / collapse setting is remembered as you toggle between any of the tabs within the Project Plan.
The Sub Project fee type and fee value is shown on the Sub Project summary row. After adding a new Sub Project this field will default to $0.00 for all Sub Project Fee Types. Update this value is the fee type is shown as Fixed Fee, Percent of Project, or Capped Rates by:
The following filters are available in the drop down list found in the top right corner of the work breakdown tab:
Tip: The default filter is 'All Sub Projects'.
After creating the Work Breakdown structure, export the details to MS Excel® to use outside of Synergy.
Click the image above to view a sample of the export to MS Excel®.
After creating the Work Breakdown structure, export the details to a Synergy report. Synergy reports will apply standard formatting, include the column headers, and allow you to save the output as PDF, MS Word® or MS Excel® file.
Click the image above to view a sample of the Synergy report.
Tip: Add the work breakdown budget details as columns to the 'Sub Project Budget' report to view the work breakdown details across multiple projects in the one Synergy report. A sample of this report can be downloaded from the report online library.
Tip: There is a rate type grouping row labelled 'staff / inspection rates' and 'expense rates' shown for each Sub Project. This is used to automatically group together the work breakdown items entered. This is used for monitoring the budget target values vs the actuals.
Tip: The Schedule Band is shown when you choose the Schedule view button in the toolbar.
Tip: The Actuals Band is shown when you choose either the Summary Actuals or Detailed Actuals view button in the toolbar.
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