Project Rates Tab

Use the Rates tab to define any special discounts or surcharges to be applied to the project. Or use the Sub Project > Rates tab to create a discount/surcharge for just the one sub project. Project rates by default use the 'Standard' rate group list of charge out rates.  Specific rates entered on the rates tab let you define a different set of rates than the standard rate group list. 


What are Project Rates?

The Project Rates tab lets you see the charge-out rates and markup values from the standard rate group. When a discount or surcharge needs to be provided to your client enter a 'project specific rate'. This will apply this special price each time that rate is used for the project.

The Sub Project Rates tab lets you see the charge-out rates or markup values from the rate group which was selected on the general tab of the sub project. Apply a discount/surcharge to the one sub project for selected rates by entering a 'sub project specific rate'. This applies the special pricing for any time or expenses entered for that rate against that sub project only.

Using the 'view history' option on the rates tab you can view the effective date (start date) for each specific rate, and if the rate values have been changed over time.

Why use Project Rates?

Check the current charge-out rate values defined for the project/sub project. Setup any special charge-out rates/mark-ups for the project using 'specific rates' to provide a discount/surcharge to the client for selected parts of the project work.

Actions Available

Tip: The Project Audit tracks changes to WIP when you add/update a specific rate for a Project or Sub Project.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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