Expenses (Invoices / Bills) - 4.9.4+

Enter supplier expenses (Bills) for internal costs or project costs to record the items that have been purchased, sub contractor project works, printing, or equipment hire. Supplier and sub contractor expenses are allocated against projects to allow the expense to be included on a project invoice. Mark when the supplier or sub contractor invoice has been paid, and report on which items are outstanding based on the bill due date. NEW 4.9.4


What are Supplier expenses (Invoices / Bills)?

Record all the project or internal <office> project expenses for which you are sent an invoice / bill. Supplier expenses (Invoices or Bills) can be received from suppliers for items purchased or sub contractors for project works that have been completed. Record the Bill in Synergy to create an expense disbursement line that can be linked to a project invoice and allow Connect to be able to sync the supplier expense (Invoice / Bill) to your accounting system.

A supplier expense bill is created by:

  1. Entering the bill details.
  2. Creating bill disbursement lines to build the overall bill total.
  3. Linking each disbursement line to a project to create the expense transaction.
  4. Marking the bill as 'locked and final' for the expense (bill) to be exported to your accounting system using Connect.

Why use Supplier expenses (Invoices / Bills)?

Record all Invoices / Bills and create Synergy expense transactions to include on project invoices. Sync the supplier bill records to your accounting system using Connect.

Actions available

Columns available

Tip: Open a bill record to see who created the bill and who was the last person to update the bill. The date and username of the staff member are shown in the bottom right corner of the open bill. NEW 4.9.5

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