Enter supplier expenses (Bills) for internal costs or project costs to record the items that have been purchased, sub contractor project works, printing, or equipment hire. Supplier and sub contractor expenses are allocated against projects to allow the expense to be included on a project invoice. Mark when the supplier or sub contractor invoice has been paid, and report on which items are outstanding based on the bill due date. NEW 4.9.4
Setup required before use |
Who Can Use It? | Where Is It? |
User Assist. Project Manager Project manager Director Administrator System Administrator |
Projects > Expenses (Invoices / Bills) |
Record all the project or internal <office> project expenses for which you are sent an invoice / bill. Supplier expenses (Invoices or Bills) can be received from suppliers for items purchased or sub contractors for project works that have been completed. Record the Bill in Synergy to create an expense disbursement line that can be linked to a project invoice and allow Connect to be able to sync the supplier expense (Invoice / Bill) to your accounting system.
A supplier expense bill is created by:
Record all Invoices / Bills and create Synergy expense transactions to include on project invoices. Sync the supplier bill records to your accounting system using Connect.
Enter an invoices / bills that you receive from your suppliers (or sub contractor) into Synergy so that they appear in the project as an expense transaction. Link the expense transaction to a project using the disbursement line. The created disbursement transaction can be billed to your client on a project invoice. If using Synergy Connect the entered supplier expense (bill) can be exported to your accounting system to be allow the bill to be easily paid without requiring duplicate entry in both systems.
Tip: Keyboard shortcut to save the supplier expense is CTRL S, and add another new expense with CTRL N.
Enter the lines to build the overall bill total value, and link the expense to the project the work relates. Enter multiple lines / disbursements when the bill needs to split across several projects, or when you need the # of numbers / unit value breakdown to appear on the project invoice to your client.
Select the tax rule - tax applicable or tax free.
NOTE: The line total inc tax value is calculated as the (# of units * unit $ value) + tax rate value.
Mark the bill as 'Locked and Final' after you have created the supplier expense (bill) and fully disbursed all the lines. Marking a bill as locked will:
Mark a bill as locked by:
A Bill can only be edited when:
Warning - If the Bill has already been exported using Connect to your accounting system, then these edits and changes will not be exported. You need to manually make the same bill record edits in your accounting system to keep both systems records matching.
Unlock the bill and update the record by:
Bills can be marked as paid once they have been:
Mark a supplier bill as paid by one of the following methods:
A supplier expense (bill) can be deleted if it has not had any of the disbursement line invoiced. If the bill is 'locked' then Director (or above) access level will need to complete this process.
Delete a supplier bill by:
Extra information about all the data entry fields on the Supplier expense (Bill) record.
ABC Constructions has sent an invoice / bill for $1980 (including GST). The invoice / bill received covers services for 2 projects. How you enter the bill into Synergy will depend on the level of detail you want to see in both the Project Time and Expenses Tab, and on Project Invoices to your clients. If you enter both the 'units' and the 'unit value' then this information can be seen throughout Synergy. If you enter only a summary of the details (option 2) then that is all you can see in the project and invoices for the expense too.
Example is that an invoice has been received with the following detail included:
Project |
Hours (Units) |
Unit Value |
Total (ex tax) |
Paradise villas |
10 hours |
$80 |
$800 |
Windsor Rd bus shelter |
12.5 hours |
$80 |
$1000 |
Invoice / Bill total |
$1,800 |
Enter using units and unit value:
Enter using only the unit value:
Tip: Within the Synergy project the supplier bill value shown is the excluding GST total value for the transaction line.
Tip: Why would you record zero cost and charge? You may track supplier or sub contractor expenses on behalf of your client, so you'd like to make a record the invoice has been received, however you then pass it onto the client for direct payment - Linked (no cost or value) enables this reconciliation.
Tip: The supplier expense payments can be imported from Xero Connect. Learn how to enable this Xero Connect only feature.
Use the 'Spilt line' button on a line that is not fully disbursed, and is on an 'unlocked' bill record. This feature has been designed to make it easier to keep the bill total units and value in place, and be able to split the bill as time passes to be attached or disbursed against several of your Synergy projects. e.g. Spilt the bill line to be able to disburse part of the expense against Project A, and another part of the expense against Project B.
The split line options available are:
A bill has been created for parts purchased from a supplier. This bill has 58 units entered, that will be used / disbursed against several different projects. Not all the projects that this expense will be disbursed against are known at this stage. In this case the project manager will be splitting of the consumed units as they are used to assign them to the project.
Click the image above to see the split line button.
Click the image above to see the split bill window.
Click the image above to view the split lines.
A bill has been created for services purchased from a supplier. On the Bill sent from the supplier there was no '# of units' breakdwon entered. Due to this the # of untis was entered on the bill as 1, and the full bill value entered as the 'unit $ value'. This 'unit $ value' will be used / disbursed against several different projects. Not all the projects that this expense will be disbursed against are known initally. The project manager will split of the consumed $ value to a new line which is then disbursed agains the project as the value is used.
Click the image above to see the split line button.
Click the image above to see the split bill window.
Click the image above to view the split lines.
This option is available in an open bill record in the lines panel. Use this on an unlocked bill record to clear all the details from the disbursements section of the bill. The details in the lines section will be kept, and you can then allocate the bill to different projects using the disbursements panel when required.
Try clearing the disbursements panel to be able to edit the bill details. E.g. Clear the disbursements panel to be able to change the bill type from supplier to sub contractor. This option is not available when the disbursement lines have been invoiced.
Limit what data is shown in the list using filter options. These options are shown in the filter list in the top right corner of the list view:
Lookup a supplier expense (bill) using one of the following search options
As the layout of the Supplier expenses (Bills) screen has changed in the Synergy 4.9.4 release, there is some data migration completed as part of the upgrade process to this release. Any supplier expenses (bills) that are not 'fully disbursed' are updated by the upgrade process to convert the outstanding 'Invoice / Bill Total' and 'Tax Rule' to be shown as a line.
These fields that were on the 'general tab' of the Bill record in 4.9.3 (or prior) have been converted to be shown in the 'Lines table' in 4.9.4 or higher:
Click the image above to see the fields from the old Bills entry screen style (4.9.3 or prior).
The above fields have been removed in 4.9.4 to add greater flexibility to the Bill entry screen for:
Lines created in the 4.9.4 upgrade
Click the image above to see the 'undisbursed cost' line created in the 4.9.4 upgrade.
Each bill entered requires that an 'expenses type' be entered in the disbursements panel for each line. Prior to the 4.9.4 release the expense type was an optional field when creating the bill and the disbursement to link the transaction to the project. In the 4.9.4 release the expense type was altered to be a mandatory field, to ensure that this data was always entered for use with the Connect interface when sending your bills data to your accounting system.
In the 4.9.5 release of Synergy the upgrade process will find any bill records where the expense type was not entered, and update the expense type to be the generic entry included with all Synergy databases of 'General'. This ensures that all bills entered in the past have an expense type assigned. Any bills with an expense type already applied will not be impacted by this change.
Tip: Open a bill record to see who created the bill and who was the last person to update the bill. The date and username of the staff member are shown in the bottom right corner of the open bill. NEW 4.9.5
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