Define what sub projects are required to complete the scope of the project. Sub projects provide you with the ability to breakdown the project into multiple stages with different fees and/or fee types for each.
Setup required before use |
Who can use it? | Where is it? |
Project Manager Director Administrator System Administrator
Note: An assistant project manager can open a sub project to review budget actuals and update the sub project sort order. |
Projects > Project Plan > Sub Projects Projects > Sub Projects |
Tip: The Project Plan tab is only shown if the Resource and Capacity Management module is enabled on your Synergy license. If this module is OFF, then only the Sub Projects tab is shown. Contact the Total Synergy Support Team to request the Resource and Capacity Management module.
Sub Projects allow you to define the steps or phases to be completed for the project scope of work. Setup several sub projects to control the invoicing method for each section, or to allocate some work to a different line of business (Cost centre or Discipline).
Sub Projects tab allows you to quickly add items using Sub Project Templates, copy an existing sub project, sort the order that items are shown on invoices, and apply colours to each sub project for use in the Resource and Capacity Management module *Synergy Enterprise clients only*.
Use the Sub Project tab to define what work needs to be competed for the project, and how the work should be invoiced to the client.
Use this button in the toolbar to add a new sub project. This method defaults all the fields to blank, and allows you to enter a new sub project from scratch. Learn more about how to add a new sub project, including what each of the tabs are used for.
To delete a sub project it must be at Proposal status. To delete a sub Project
Tip: A sub project (or phase) cannot be deleted if it has been attached to an invoice or credit note.
Tip: Use the filter button, to look for a sub project name template in a long list. After using the filter panel it will auto open the next time you use this window. Learn how to setup Sub Project Templates.
Create a new sub project, by copying the general sub project details from an item in the list.
Use the 'Phases & Sorting ' button in the toolbar to turn phases on/off and update the sort order of the sub projects. Re-order sub projects by using drag and drop, or using the toolbar buttons to shift the sub projects or phases up or down the list. The Project Audit tracks the changes to the phase names, sub project names, and when phases is turned on/off.
The default filter applied to the sorting window is 'Proposal and Active'. This only shows sub projects (and related phase groups) that are at either Proposal or Active status. This matches the filter applied by default in the Sub Projects tab. Change the filter in the top right corner of the window to 'All' to find a sub project of a different status.
Add colours to each sub project as a label for use in the Resource and Capacity Management module. *Synergy Enterprise clients only*
Complete the following steps to change the status of the sub project.
Click the image above to see how to change the sub project status.
Click the button in the toolbar to open the project folder in Windows Explorer.
Use this feature if you have the requirement
to store saved documents, drawings and all other correspondence in individual
folders for each Sub Project. The Sub Project folders
can be viewed by selecting the icon to open the folder from the Sub Project
tab .
Learn more about Construction Costs and what this information is used for.
Alternatively, double click the sub project and select 'Create sub project document' from the Documents item on the toolbar.
The following filter options are available:
Tip: Double click on a Sub Project row to open the Sub Project to view more detail. Assistant Project Manager and above can open the Sub Project.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Sub Projects topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Resource and Capacity Management topics: View Topics
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