Project and Sub Project Status

Update the Project status to reflect the progress of the project or each sub project.  Use the status of Active when invoicing can be done for that part of the work. Once the sub project work is finished change the status to Complete, or Unsuccessful if that part of the work will not proceed. Change the status regularly to keep the search screens, timesheets and reports screens only displaying the current work. Use the unsuccessful, complete or hold statuses when no further work will be completed.


What is the Project Status?

The Project Status is used to reflect at a glance what the overall progress is for the project and each of the sub projects. The status setting used also controls what actions can be done in Synergy for the Project or Sub Project. The status change wizard allows users to update the project and sub projects to a new status easily, by checking which of the items are to be updated.

Why use the Project Status?

Update the progress of each Project or Sub Project to show if the work has been Proposal, Won (Active), or Lost (Unsuccessful). Updating the status also impacts on how users can use the project. i.e. If invoices can be created, or if time and expenses can be allocated.

Updating the Project Status

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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