Timesheet tasks

Use timesheet tasks to create the tasks used for entering timesheets for <office> project task, and project tasks. Timesheets tasks are used when entering Timesheets, and within each Sub Project when using the Resource & Capacity Management module (Resource Management is available to Synergy Enterprise clients only).

Tip: Once a task has been used for a timesheet entry, it cannot be deleted. Make it inactive to remove it from drop down lists.

Project Tasks

Project tasks are available for entering timesheets to describe the project work completed.  The list defined in this function is available by default for all timesheet users. Timesheet entry requires that the user enter a Project, Sub Project, and a Task, where the task is the activity they were completing for the sub project. 

Non-Project Tasks

Time not associated with a project is entered against the <Office> project within Timesheets. The <Office> project is a default project created by Synergy, used to track time spent on internal company tasks, that are not linked to any project.  The time allocated to the <Office> project can be viewed in reports. Split the <Office> tasks into groups to be able to monitor the time spent on each type of internal task separately.


Create Tasks

  1. Click into the white area under the description column heading.

  2. Type a description for the task.
  3. Select the Office sub project this task will belong to.
  4. Save.

Delete Tasks

Timesheet tasks can be deleted if they have not already been used within any Project/Sub Project budgets.

Tip: If the task has already been used within the Budget of a Project, a warning message is shown when deleting the task to advise that the delete cannot be completed. Stop future use of the task by making the task 'inactive'. Uncheck the 'Active' box for each task that is not required, then press Save.

Create Office Sub Projects

Where is it? Default data > Office sub projects

Create any additional Office sub projects.  By default Leave and the PROJECT sub projects are already in the system and cannot be made inactive.

  1. Click into the white area under the Office sub project column heading.
  2. Type a name for the Office sub project.
  3. Save .

Tip: In the Office Sub Projects List there are two additional columns for 'cost centre' and 'discipline'. These fields are only used by the EXO Connect add-on. For all other Connect interfaces these fields are not used.

Utilised yes or no

As new tasks are created they will automatically pick up whether or not they are a utilised task based on the Office sub project chosen.

Project tasks

By default as new tasks are created, they are set as Utilised, which essentially means they are productive and count towards a persons productivity calculation in the Utilisation report, My Utilisation plugin and Utilised Hours Management Reports.  Therefore if there are specific tasks not oncharged to your client such as proposal time, then the task could be made not Utilised.

Non-Project tasks

Similarly, the new tasks created against any Office sub project other than PROJECT will be set to not utilised.  Therefore any time booked to these non utilised tasks will be excluded from the Utilisation reports.

Tip: Learn more about how to Run the Utilisation report.

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