Minor changes in 4.9.7 and 4.9.10

Synergy 4.9.10 Minor Release

Learn what maintenance work has been completed as part of the Synergy 4.9.10 release.

New Enhancement Maintenance 

Return to the release notes for the 4.9.10 Synergy release


Xero Connect > New Xero release supported. Synergy Xero interface has been updated to support the latest Xero release. Read more about these Xero interface changes here. It is important that you upgrade to this Synergy version to be able to continue to use Synergy Connect.

Synergy 4.9.9 Minor Release

Learn what maintenance work has been completed as part of the Synergy 4.9.9 release.

New Enhancement Maintenance 

Return to the release notes for the 4.9.9 Synergy release


MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > New interface version supported. Synergy API interface updated to support the latest MYOB security changes (TLS 1.2 updates). Read more about these MYOB interface changes here. The previous MYOB interface will be discontinued on 30 September 2018, so it is important to upgrade to this Synergy version before this time if you want to continue to use Synergy Connect.

Administration and Default data

Document templates > Invoice template > Fee detail table. Additional bookmarks are available in the invoice document template, in the fee detail table. The following extra bookmarks have been added to the phase grouping rows: Budget $ (all phase groups), Previous claims $ (rates and capped phase groups only), and Total claims $ (rates and capped phase groups only).

Synergy 4.9.8 Minor Release

Learn what maintenance work has been completed as part of the Synergy 4.9.8 release.

New Enhancement Maintenance 

Return to the release notes for the 4.9.8 Synergy release


Project > Documents > Controlled documents. The project documents list will not time out if there are a large number of controlled documents, and will load the full list of uncontrolled and controlled documents.
Projects > Invoices > Credit reversals. When a discount type credit note is created, and then reversed, the 'percent complete' for the sub project is correctly reflected on the next invoice and within the project.
Projects > Invoices > Undo a credit note. It is no longer possible to undo a credit note reversal. This means if you create a discount type credit note, and then undo that credit note, that if you then decided you really wanted the discount credit note you will need to create it again.
Projects > Invoices > Duplicate invoices with the same number not allowed. In some cases in a multi office environment two users have been looking to save the same invoice number at the exact same time. Additional security has been added in this release to make sure that it is not possible to save two invoices with the same number, and that the second invoice attempted to be saved with the custom invoice number will receive an error.
Project > Details > Change offices. The pop-up to switch the office location for a project can now be used on high resolution devices.
Projects > Invoices > Sub project invoice pop-up. A fix has been added for high resolution devices, to ensure that the sub project pop-up for invoice creation remains in proportion when the next / previous buttons is clicked to view the next sub project.
Projects > Expenses (Office Items) > Search. When using the office item expenses search feature, you can now use the 'invoice date range controller on high definition devices.


MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Support added for new releases. Synergy Connect has been updated to include support for MYOB ARL 2017.2 and 2018.1.1 and 2018.2 releases.
Xero Connect > New interface version supported. Synergy API interface updated to support the latest Xero security changes (TLS 1.2 updates). Read more about these Xero interface changes here. The previous Xero interface will be discontinued on 30 June 2018, so it is important to upgrade to this Synergy version before this time if you want to continue to use Synergy Connect.
MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Large chart of accounts support added. If your MYOB chart of accounts has more than 400 records, then Synergy Connect can view all of the account records for syncing/ selecting / mapping with Synergy MYOB ARL Connect.

Administration and Default data

Tools > Project recalculation. Use this new maintenance tool to ensure that the reporting totals are aligned for project, stage, and transaction level reports. In most cases it is not required to use this tool unless requested by Synergy Support.


Reports > Download library > GDPR sample reports. The 'download library' in the reports area now includes sample GDPR reports to help you export contact or staff data to MS Excel®. Apply a filter for the 'staff name' or 'contact name' to the report to limit the results that are exported.
Reports > Report filters > High resolution - Between dates. When setting up report filters, you can now use the date filters on a high resolution devices with the 'between' date filter applied, and select the 'from' and the 'to' date from the calendar selector.
Reports > Management Reports > Win Loss Report. The vertical value on the graph now shows the values with up to two decimal places.

Synergy 4.9.7 Minor Release

Learn what maintenance work has been completed as part of the Synergy 4.9.7 release.

New Enhancement Maintenance 

Return to the release notes for the 4.9.7 Synergy release


Projects > Controlled documents > Extended recipients list. When saving emails as controlled documents to the Synergy project folders you can see the 'recipients' list in the documents tab of the projects. This column has been extended in the database to allow your people to have many clients or contacts in the TO field of an email message. In the documents tab if you hover over the column you can see the recipients list, and the details can also be seen in the email message preview.
Projects > Forecast > Completed sub projects. Forecasts can only be added for sub projects that are still open. Complete or unsuccessful sub projects cannot have a forecast added, or adjusted for any existing forecast figures. Completed sub projects have their forecast numbers greyed out in the forecast tab, and in the edit forecast pop-up for a sub project. A new filter has been added to the forecast tab to let you see all sub projects, or an option to exclude any sub projects that are complete or unsuccessful from the forecast tab.
Projects > Resource management > Report. Print a report to MS Excel® from the resource management area, which shows all of the items planned for all projects. These items are shown by project or by staff member, on different tabs in the MS Excel® file. The output includes the project names and numbers, sub project names, task, rate and rate hourly charge value, and number of hours per month that is scheduled. A template for this report is available, which allows you to edit the bookmarks shown and update the fonts and colours for the output as required.
Projects > Supplier Bills. The invoice contact drop down when creating a new bill has been updated to cater for larger contact lists. This will ensure that you can select a contact without first selecting a contact description to shorten the list.
Projects > Sub project tasks. Timesheet tasks that are setup as 'not utilised' in default data are shown in the project tasks tab with a red cross in the calendar icon. Utilised tasks are shown with a green mark in the calendar icon. The utilised setting is copied from what is setup by the System Administrator in Default data > Timesheet tasks. When the task is included in a sub project template, the utilised setting is copied in from the template.
Project contacts > Add new contact. When adding a new individual type contact on the project contacts tab, the individual contacts details for the fields classification and phone numbers are saved correctly.
Projects > Transactions > WIP transfer. The 'unallocated costs' sub project is not shown in the 'transfer to sub project' drop down list if all of the four 'unallocated costs' system setting options are switched off. If one of the 'unallocated costs' system settings options is turned on, then the unallocated costs sub project is shown in the drop down list.


MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Support added for new releases. Synergy Connect has been updated to include support for MYOB ARL 2016.2.2, 2016.3, 2017.1, and 2017.1.1 releases.
MYOB V19 Classic Connect > Support added for new releases. Synergy Connect supports MYOB V19.13 and V19.14 releases. Update your connect settings to have this release select in the export settings 'version' option.
MYOB AccountRight Live Connect > Supplier Bills. When using the MYOB ARL cloud company file supplier bills were found to be available to be synced again to MYOB, once in MYOB they were marked as paid. This was a result of the API change in MYOB for the 2016.2.2 release. This change is resolved in the 4.9.7 release.
Reckon Accounts Connect > Support added for new releases. Synergy Connect has been updated to include support for Reckon Accounts Premier 2017, and the EOFY tax update release for Reckon Accounts 2017.
MYOB Classic Connect > New Export Setting Version. The latest release supported by Synergy for MYOB Classic V19.14 has been added to the Synergy Connect Settings. Update the export settings to show your current MYOB version.
Reckon Accounts Connect > New Export Setting Version. The latest release supported by Synergy for Reckon Accounts 2017 has been added to the Synergy Connect Settings. Update the export settings to show your current Reckon Accounts version.

Administration and Default data

Data import > Projects import. The data import for projects now has an extra column for 'project folder location'. This lets you import a custom location for project folders with the project import from MS Excel®. This import process is normally only used when initially setting up Synergy.
Data import > Phases import. The data import process now supports the import of phases in the following import sheets: Projects, Sub projects, Invoices, and Sub project attributes. These import sheets are normally only used when initially setting up Synergy.
Default data > Attributes. Attributes can only be made 'inactive' if they have already been used. Attributes can only be deleted that have not been attached to any projects, contacts, staff, sub projects, and contracts.
Document templates > Document tables. When a Synergy consultant has created a custom table for sub projects to be shown on an invoice document, this table will now populate with the results.
Document templates > Invoice templates. The bookmark 'New Residual Total' has been added to the totals section of the fee detail table, and the general invoice document body bookmark. Add this bookmark to show the overall total of the residual amount that can still be invoiced in the future.


Reports > Excel template performance. The speed to create a report output using the 'excel template' option has been improved in this update. The time taken for this Excel export should now be as quick as the report type of excel, or the excel existing spreadsheet option.
Reports > Filtering by multiple attributes. When filtering a project report by more than one attribute, the report will display the results as expected and not return an error. The error previously appears only when the same attribute for the project had two filter rows included in the same report.

Contract Administration

Contract Types > Restrict templates option. The contract administration feature 'contract types' has been updated to allow you to use the 'restrict templates' option to control which contract administration document templates can be used for each template type.

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