<Office> transactions

The <Office> project is used to enter timesheets tasks, and expenses for non-billable items that still require to be sent to your accounting system via Synergy Connect. Learn more about <Office> transactions.

What is the <Office> project?

The <Office> project is a default item provided with Synergy, which can be used to track time or expense costs related to internal tasks. The <Office> project is shown in the 'project' drop down list in all locations that timesheets or expenses can be entered in Synergy. The <Office> project is not shown in project list as it does not allow amendment to the default setup.

The sub projects for the <Office> project are setup in Default Data > Office Sub Projects list. The office sub projects are used to group together the <office> tasks that are setup in Timesheet tasks list. The <Office> sub projects and linked tasks are available for use by all staff with access to Synergy.

Each <Office> sub project is setup as a 'no billing' fee type. All transactions allocated to <Office> are automatically written off, and will not show any value in the 'invoice value' column in Synergy reports. The cost for the staff completing the work or the expense cost is displayed in the 'transaction cost' column in reports. NEW 4.9.4

Why use the <Office> project?

Track the time spent on internal office tasks, out of the office on leave, or the cost of internal office expenses.

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