Project Forecast - Create

Setup the forecast revenue values for each Sub Project, by opening the Project and using the 'Forecast' tab.

What is the Project Forecast?

The Project Forecast builds upon the Agreed fee and Budget data entered against Sub Projects to build a future cash flow budget based upon the sum of individual project plans.

The cash flow budget can be augmented by predicting cash flow for jobs that are in submission with the cash value depreciated by an expected success factor providing a pipeline cash forecast. The combination of the won project cash flow and the pipeline cash flow provide a total cash flow forecast for the practice.

Synergy Project Forecasting provides for an initial forecast to be developed and captured as a baseline forecast which may then be contrasted with the ongoing rolling forecast.

Why create the Project Forecast?

Revenue Forecasts are used to assist in business cash flow budgeting and operational planning. Forecasts can be used to measure actual performance against plan by allowing reporting of forecast and actual compared against a baseline forecast.

Create the forecast for a Sub Project at Proposal status

The four main steps to setup a forecast for a Sub Project at Proposal status are shown in the image above.


Create the forecast for a Sub Project at Active status

Actions Available

Actions available in the Forecast Maintenance screen:


Fields Available


Columns Available

Tip: Did you know you can 'Sort' the columns by clicking on the column heading. Click once to apply a ascending sort, twice for a descending, and a third time to remove the column sorting.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try the following Forecasting topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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