Use the Preview screen in the Xero Connect Wizard to check the data before it is interfaced to Xero. View any errors that may be stopping contact, invoice, credit, payment, and expenses from being sent to Xero when Connect is run. NEW 4.8.5
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Connect > Xero Connect > Run Connect > Preview screen |
Check what data will be sent to Xero in this Connect Interface run. The Preview screen has checked the data against what is already in the Xero company datafile.
The errors are for missing data on the Synergy record are shown. If errors exist the sync to Xero cannot be run. Use the Edit options to update the Synergy records to include all the required data, or skip certain rows from being sent to Xero in this sync. After all the errors have been corrected you can trigger the Xero Connect Wizard to interface the data shown to Xero.
Review each contact, invoice, credit note, payment, and expense that will be sent in the Xero Connect sync.
The Preview window has an active connection to the Xero company datafile. Checks against the Synergy and Xero data are completed by the Preview window to ensure that all the data is valid to be sent using the Xero Connect interface. Any warning messages about the Synergy or Xero data being incorrect are shown with the warning symbol . The Xero Connect Interface cannot be run until all the warnings are resolved.
Check the data shown in each tab in the Preview window:
Each screen contains a 'Skip' button on each row. Skip rows that you don't want to send in this Xero Connect run, or skip rows with errors to resolve the warnings shown and send the data in a later sync to Xero. Each tab also has a 'Skip All' option to allow you to skip all the lines on each of the tabs when required.
After all error warnings have been resolved, refresh the Preview Window. Once the Preview window does not show any error warnings you can then click the Run button to start the Connect sync to Xero.
The sync process will take a few minutes to complete. For example: sending data from a large clients database to Xero will take up to 7 minutes to complete, when the sync includes 3 months of data . For a single month of data this sync process will take 1-2 minutes to complete.
Before running the connect sync it is important to review all warnings and errors
that are shown in the preview window.
To learn what a specific error or warning message means, read more here in Xero Connect solutions for errors.
Tip: When you are unsure of an error / warning message - Skip the lines . Skipped lines will not be sent in the Xero Connect sync. Please then contact Synergy Support for assistance on how to resolve the messages shown for the skipped lines before sync-ing the data.
The contacts tab displays each Synergy Contact that will be added to Xero as either a Customer or Supplier Xero Contact. Xero Customer Contacts are linked to invoice records, and Supplier Contacts are linked to expenses. Synergy Staff who enter Cash or Travel Expenses are also sent to Xero as Supplier Contact records.
The following actions are available in the Contacts Tab
Use the 'Edit' button next to any of the Contact rows to open the contact record in Synergy and update the Card ID, Account Code or other contact details that are displayed in Xero. After closing the Contact record, use the 'Refresh' button to update the Preview window. If all the errors have been resolved, then the updated details of the contact will then be sent to Xero by the next Connect Sync.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each contact row to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the contact record, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
Use the 'Contact Card ID Maintenance' button when you want to update the CARD ID for multiple contact records. Adjust the screen filter in the top right corner to display all the 'Blank Card ID' contact records. Next update the contact records to have a Card ID number by:
Use the 'Edit' button next to any of the Synergy Staff Contact rows to open the Staff record and change the details. After closing the Staff record, use the 'Refresh' button to update the Preview window.If all the errors have been corrected, then the updated details of the staff member will be sent to Xero by the next Connect Sync.
Use the 'Staff Card ID Maintenance' button when you want to update the CARD ID for multiple staff records. Adjust the screen filter in the top right corner to display all the 'Blank Card ID' staff records. Next update the staff records to have a Card ID number by:
Tip: Staff CARD ID's must be unique across all the contacts and staff records.
View a list of each invoice line that will be sent to Xero. In Synergy each invoice is made up with a line for each sub project included on the invoice. For example: A Project has four Sub Projects. Each of the Sub Projects are included on the invoice. This makes a total of four invoice lines that will be shown in the Xero Preview window. Synergy $0 invoices are excluded from the interface as they cannot be sent to Xero.
After reviewing the invoice lines shown on the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details to correct the invoice shown or to fix any errors displayed in the 'errors' column.
Edit an item linked to the invoice line by:
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each invoice line to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the invoice line, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero. If you skip one line of an invoice, all of the lines for that invoice will be skipped from this sync to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
View a list of each credit note line that will be sent to Xero. In Synergy each credit note is made up with a line for each sub project included on the credit note. For example: A Project has four Sub Projects. Each of the Sub Projects are included on the credit note. This makes a total of four credit note lines that will be shown in the Xero Preview window. Synergy $0 credit notes are excluded from the interface as they cannot be sent to Xero.
After reviewing the credit lines shown on the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details to correct the credit notes shown or to fix any errors displayed in the 'errors' column.
Edit an item linked to the credit note line by:
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each credit line to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the credit line, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero. If you skip one line of a credit note, then all of the lines for that credit note will be skipped from this sync to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
The items tab displays a read only list of the Xero Inventory Items that will be created when Connect is run. The Inventory Items will be created in Xero linked to either a Sales Account for Synergy invoices, or a Purchases Account for Synergy expenses. There are no actions available on this tab.
View a list of each Synergy invoice payments that will be sent to Xero. A Synergy payment can only be sent to Xero if the invoice number that the payment is linked to in Synergy, also exists within Xero.
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each payment to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the payment row, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
Update the payment type on all the payment rows listed to be exported to Xero. The current payment type that has been assigned within Synergy is shown in the 'Reference' column in the Xero Sync Preview > Export Payments tab. Change the payment type by:
View a list of each Xero invoice payments that will be imported to Synergy. A Xero payment can only be imported to Synergy if the invoice number that the payment is linked to in Xero, also exists within Synergy. Payments entered in Xero for expenses (creditors) or Xero payroll payments are excluded from the Synergy import payments list. Only Xero payments for invoices are displayed.
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each payment to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the payment row, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
View a list of each supplier expense disbursement lines that will be sent to Xero. In Synergy a supplier expense can be is made up of multiple disbursement lines, to allocate different parts of the invoice to different Synergy projects. A supplier expense will only be shown in the Preview window if it has been fully disbursed.
After reviewing the supplier expense lines shown on the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details to correct the supplier expenses shown or to fix any errors displayed in the 'errors' column.
Edit an item linked to the supplier expenses line by:
After reviewing the bill disbursement lines shown in the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details to shown or to fix any errors / warnings displayed in the 'errors' column. NEW 4.9.4
Edit an disbursement line for a bill by:
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each supplier expense line to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the supplier expense line, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero. If you skip one line of an supplier expense invoice number, all of the lines for that supplier expense will be skipped from this sync to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
Change the expense type on multiple supplier expense rows before the information is sent to Xero. Update the expense types by:
View a list of the payments that will be imported for Supplier expense from Xero. Payments are only imported when the Xero Bill is marked as paid in full. Partial Xero Bill payments are ignored and not shown in the preview. Import the payment flag for the supplier expenses in Synergy to easily keep track of which items have been paid in full in Synergy, without having to manually reconcile the two systems.
The Xero payment date and note are imported to the Synergy supplier expense (as shown in the image below).
Click the image above to view an imported supplier expense payment.
After reviewing the bill payment lines shown in the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details or manually update the supplier (bill) payment. Edit can also be used to fix any errors / warnings displayed in the 'errors' column. NEW 4.9.4
Edit a bill and add a bill payment by:
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each supplier expense payment line to remove it from being imported in the sync from Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
View a list of each staff cash and travel expense entered in Synergy that will be sent to Xero. A separate row is shown for each line entered in either Cash or Travel Expenses functions.
After reviewing the staff expense lines shown on the Preview window, you may want to adjust the details to correct the staff expenses shown or to fix any errors displayed in the 'errors' column.
Edit an item linked to the staff expenses line by:
Tip: Learn what each of the errors shown in the preview screen mean and how to resolve them.
Use the 'Skip' button shown on each staff expense line to remove it from being sent in the sync to Xero. The Skip button is often used if an error is shown for the staff expense line, and you want to spend time to resolve the issue before the item is sent to Xero.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Learn more about how to add skipped items back to a Preview tab.
Change the expense type on multiple staff expense rows before the information is sent to Xero. Update the expense types by:
Click the Refresh button in the bottom toolbar to update all the Preview tabs for the Xero Connect Sync. This will obtain the latest details from Synergy and Xero, and allow you to check these details before you run the sync.
Tip: Whilst the wizard is open if a user updates details in Xero then these details are not updated in the Preview window. For example a user enters a payment, or locks a period in Xero, or adjusts the account codes in Xero. Close the Connect Wizard and re-open it to refresh and view this information in the Preview screen.
Click the eraser button shown on a row in the Preview screen to remove the row from being sent in this Xero Connect Sync. Once a row has been removed, it is shown as a 'Skipped' record for that Sync.
Also try using the 'Skip' all button at the end of the tab, to skip all the records in the tab. An 'Select All' button is then available in the Skipped Items window to add back all the items on a tab again.
Tip: Staff Contact records and Xero Inventory Item rows cannot be skipped from the Xero Connect Sync run.
Use the Skip Records feature if a Preview row displays and error that you want to resolve at a later time, or if the data shown is not ready to be interfaced to Xero. Once the data is ready to be sent to Xero, use the Skipped Records button in the bottom right hand corner of each tab, which allows any of the skipped records to be added back to the Xero Connect Sync.
After all the errors have been resolved in the Preview tabs, the 'Run' button in the bottom toolbar is enabled.
Press the run button to send the data to Xero, once you have checked that all the records required are shown in the Preview tabs, and skipped any records that you do not want to be sent in this Sync run. The sync process will take a few minutes to complete. The sync has completed once the report is shown. Learn more about the Xero Connect Report Results.
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