Xero Connect Report

View the report that displays what data was sent to Xero in the Connect data sync, who ran the sync, and which settings were entered in the Connect Wizard. NEW 4.8.5

What is the Xero Connect Report?

The Xero Connect Report keeps track of what information has been imported/exported to Xero. The report keeps track of when the Sync to Xero was run, and which Synergy user ran Connect and which computer they were logged into at the time. The time taken for each Connect sync to Xero to complete is recorded. Xero Connect List displays the report for all users that run Xero Connect within your company.

A list of all the records sent to Xero in each sync is shown, to allow you to check which Xero Connect sync a particular item was sent within. If a record is missing from a Sync report, refer to the Settings section of the report. The Settings section allows you to check if the data was not sent in the sync to Xero because an option in the Connect Wizard was disabled.

Why use the Xero Connect Report?

View the which records were sent to Xero in each Connect sync.

Actions available

Report details available

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