Xero Staff Expenses Settings

Define the rules of how Staff Expenses will be transferred to Xero using Connect. Staff expenses are Cash & Travel Expenses entered by each staff member, and will be sent to Xero using Connect when they are allocated to both a Synergy Project or against the internal <Office> Project . NEW 4.8.5

Tip: A Card ID number must be entered against each Synergy Staff Member before the Xero Connect sync can be run. Learn more about how to enter Staff Card ID numbers.

What are Xero Staff Expense Settings?

Xero Connect will transfer any Staff Expenses from Synergy to Xero. Use the Xero Connect Staff Expense Settings to select which Xero Account Code, Inventory Item, and Item Description will be shown in Xero for each Cash or Travel Expense transferred from Synergy. Separate settings are available for Cash and Travel Expenses entered against a Synergy Project or the internal <Office> project.

Use the filter options to control if all available staff expenses will be sent in the sync, or if only expenses for a certain project manager or office location will be included in this Xero Connect sync run.

Why use Xero Staff Expense Settings?

Control how Staff Expenses entered in Synergy will be transferred to Xero.

Actions available

Synergy staff expense details can be exported to Xero. Use the Staff Expense Settings screen to control how data for Project and <Office> Project entered staff expenses are sent to Xero:

  1. Export Staff Expenses - Enable this setting for the sync to Xero.

  2. Inventory Item - What Xero Inventory Item will be used for each staff expense row.
  3. Account Code - What Xero account the staff expense will be transferred to in Xero.
  4. Staff Expense Line Description - What Description will be displayed on each staff expense line item in Xero.
  5. Staff Expense Note - Send any notes entered against the staff expense to appear in Xero on a $0 line in the purchase. (Optional) NEW 4.9.4
  6. Exclude data from the sync - If filters need to be applied to limit what expenses are sent in the sync. i.e. Filter to only send data for a certain office location.

Complete the following steps to configure the settings to send Staff Expenses to Xero:

Synergy Staff Expense fields exported to Xero

Want to learn more?

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