Xero Mapping Settings

Define how the Synergy Tax Codes and Payment Types are mapped with Xero. NEW 4.8.5

What are Xero Mapping Settings?

Map the tax rates within Synergy to the matching tax rate in Xero. This will be used for invoice and credit notes transferred to Xero, to ensure that the same tax % is applied.

Map the payment types within Synergy to a Bank Account within Xero. This is shown only when payments are exported from Synergy to Xero. This will show that the funds received are showing in Xero in the correct Bank Account. A different bank account can be chosen for each payment type used in Synergy.

Why use Xero Mapping Settings?

Ensure that payment values are shown in the correct Xero bank account, and that the tax rate is shown correctly on invoices and credit notes.

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