Define how the Synergy Tax Codes and Payment Types are mapped with Xero. NEW 4.8.5
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Connect > Xero Connect > Run Connect > Mapping Settings |
Map the tax rates within Synergy to the matching tax rate in Xero. This will be used for invoice and credit notes transferred to Xero, to ensure that the same tax % is applied.
Map the payment types within Synergy to a Bank Account within Xero. This is shown only when payments are exported from Synergy to Xero. This will show that the funds received are showing in Xero in the correct Bank Account. A different bank account can be chosen for each payment type used in Synergy.
Ensure that payment values are shown in the correct Xero bank account, and that the tax rate is shown correctly on invoices and credit notes.
Use this panel to match the tax codes in Synergy against a tax code in Xero. Xero allow the selection of a different tax code for both invoices and expenses. Each time the Synergy tax code is used, the match Xero code will be automatically sent in the Xero Connect Interface. For example: Match the Synergy 'Tax Free' tax rule to the Xero 'No GST' tax code.
Match the Synergy tax codes to Xero by:
Click the image above to view the Tax Code Mapping panel.
Tip: All Xero Tax Rates setup in Xero Settings > General Settings > Tax Rates are shown in the tax code drop down lists.
Use the payment type mapping panel to select which Xero bank account payments entered in Synergy will be transferred to. The mapping for Xero Bank Accounts is done on Payment Type to allow you to send different types of invoice payments to different banking area in Xero.
Payment Type mapping is used by the Payment Export from Synergy to Xero. If payments are imported from Xero, this table is hidden as the mapping is not required when importing payments into Synergy from Xero.
Match the Synergy Payment Type to a Xero Bank Account by:
Click the image above to view the Payment Type Mapping panel.
The Synergy Payment Types shown in this panel are ones assigned to existing Synergy payments. If a payment type has been setup in Synergy Default Data, but not yet assigned to an actual invoice payment, then it is not shown in the list. This filter has been applied to Synergy payment types to ensure any new payment types that are interface from Xero on the 'Payment Import' are also shown to be mapped to a Xero Bank Account. If using the Xero Payment Import, a blank payment type record can be created in Synergy. This will happen if the 'Reference' field on the Xero payment is left blank. Make sure you assign a Xero Bank account to all the Synergy Payment Types shown in the list, as they are all used on Synergy Payments.
The Xero account column shows all accounts within Xero > Chart of Accounts, which are either a Bank Accounts type, or are another account which has been marked as 'enable payments'.
Tip : Tax Rates are setup in Xero within the Settings > General Settings > Tax rates function.
Tip: Accounts are setup within Xero using the Xero > Settings > Chart of Accounts function.
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