Taxation data

Create and maintain tax rules, rates and locations.


  1. Set the Default for new Projects and Contracts in System Settings.
  2. Set up your taxation data in the following order.

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Add relevant Country and State descriptions which can then be used to create the Tax Rules.

  1. Select a Country from the list.
  2. Select a State from the list.
  3. Save.

You will notice the Description of the location will fill in automatically, though can be changed.


Determine roundings that are required for each different tax rule, rate and location combination. These can vary for 0, 1, 2, 3 decimal places and you can set whether an amount is to be rounded up or down. 


Create a list of standard Tax Rates. These can include Percent tax rates, fixed value or an exception.   

Effective dates

Effective dates are used in the case a Rate may change from a particular date in time. By setting the date here, the system will automatically start using the new rate from the effective date selected. 


This is where we now pull the Location, Rounding and Rate together to create your Tax rule. The Tax rule is then applied to Sub projects and Contracts to ensure the applicable tax is calculated. 

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Code.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select a Tax Location from.
  5. Select a Tax Location to.
  6. Select the Rounding.
  7. Select where the rounding is applied to.

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