Synergy 4.7.0 Minor Release
Learn what new features were included in the Synergy 4.7.0 release.
Need quick access to all project files?What is it? All users can search project documents by file type, keyword and sub directory. On top of this choose to transfer file/s into a Controlled directory where revisions are automatically created, audit kept on who changed a document and when, option to 'roll back' to a previous version or external document. Additional security can be set so certain users are unable to view particular directories and the files within them.
Why use it? Provides flexibility to users while mitigating risk to the company. |
NOTE due to the enhancements made to the MS Outlook® plugin that compliment the new Document Management module, the MS Outlook®plugin is no longer available to Foundation customers. Enterprise clients will need to call support on 02 8197 9000 to obtain an updated license to switch the plugin back on.
Saving emails using drag and dropWhat is it? Highlight multiple emails for the one project then DRAG & DROP into the Project directory.
Why use it? Drag and drop of multiple emails into a project directory is a method used by nearly all of our clients, so it makes sense to be dragging and dropping directly into the Synergy Project directory.
see the Synergy add-in within Outlook?
Auto detect project folder for email messagesWhat is it? Synergy will scan an email message for the Project number or project title or Reference name. If it detects part of these fields, then the project folder will be selected.
Why use it? Using the SynergyMS Outlook® plugin means that you are connected to your Synergy projects, which means saving emails is a breeze. |
Set the email file name structureWhat is it? Either select from 1 of 5 options or manually set the fields you want to include in the file names of your emails when they are saved out of MS Outlook®.
Why use it? Take the steps out of naming your emails as you save them. |
Save emails automatically to the email sub folderWhat is it? Another fantastic addition is the ability to set a flag against a sub directory to indicate that when emails are saved from MS Outlook® they should automatically be saved in this sub directory.
Why use it? Currently when saving an email to the project directory, you would be selecting or browsing to the email sub folder. This feature takes that step out. |
Need staff to enter timesheets via an internet browser?What is it? A web based application installed on the server to which internal or external staff members can use an internet browser to login to Synergy and fill in their Timesheets and out of pocket expenses.
Why use it? If your office uses some Macs or have people onsite without a PC, using web timesheets is the way to go. |
Export Expenses to MYOB or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) using ConnectWhat is it? If you're currently using MYOB or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) Connect for syncing invoices and payments with MYOB or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier), then tweak a few settings to enable the synchronisation of Expenses too. Setup your expense codes against a myriad of export options, so that the expenses are allocated to the correct expense code in MYOB.
Why use it? Syncing expenses to MYOB or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) eliminates double-entry of supplier expenses, and with auto-allocate expense account codes - why wouldn't you.
Export Staff Expenses to MYOB or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) using ConnectWhat is it? As staff enter their out of pocket expenses against billable projects and the <Office> project, you can then choose to sync some or all of them to your accounting package. Sync either approved staff expenses or all to MYOB then make payment to staff expenses through Pay Bills in MYOB.
Why use it? If staff are entering out of pocket expenses directly into Synergy, they also need to be entered into your accounting package, as this is where payment occurs. Syncing eliminates double entry of expenses.
me before syncing expenses!!
An automatic filter has been added to the Connect
Settings which will be the date the Upgrade occurs, so Expenses dated
prior to the upgrade will not be exported to your accounting system. If
you want to sync Expenses before this date, check your Connect Date Settings
more MYOB
or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier)
Automate document namingWhat is it? You can store a default file name against each document template. When the document is generated then saved, automatically what is added as the default file name will be added to the file name. Additional text can then be added.
Why use it? This is yet another feature designed to just make life easier! A lot of our clients have set naming conventions for different file types. |
Automate document 'save to' locationWhat is it? Against each document template, you can specify which sub folder within a Project directory the document should be saved to.
Why use it? At the moment when you create a document through Synergy, as you go to save it, the project directory is located automatically. You then need to select a sub folder in which to save the document. This feature takes that step out. |
Generating Synergy Documents with MS Office® 2010Microsoft have applied a setting on all PCs that disables file sharing across a network. You may be noticing a Protected View pop up occurring in MS Office® 2010 when you attempt to open a document across the network.
There's 2 solutions for this particular issue:
This solution will need to be carried on
each PC, and will ensure all documents - not just Synergy documents -
can be accessed across the network
Turn on a system wide setting that will enable
each document template to be copied to a local directory |
New fee types for sub projectsWhat is it? The following 2 fee types have been added to Synergy:
Invoice the client at hourly rates, however set a limit that Synergy will Invoice up to.
All transactions allocated to a Sub Project with this fee type will be automatically written off [handy for your Fee Proposal sub project].
Why use it? These new fee types will extend your project management capability, from both an internal perspective (No Billing fee type) and an external perspective as you'll be able to deliver an invoice format that your client wants to see (Capped Rates fee type). |
Supplier Expense billing optionsWhat is it? At the point of disbursing a Supplier Expense, you can now select a Billing Option that will determine the value of the transaction that is recorded against the project.
Why use it? This feature will reduce some of the processing that occurs at Invoicing time, as we are automating how a transaction should be valued against the project at the time of data entry. |
Attach/detach transactions to an InvoiceWhat is it? You can now append the transactions to an Invoice that has already been created. Similarly, you are able to remove transactions that were attached to an invoice in error. Only an unlocked Invoice can be edited. Note that during the upgrade all Invoices will be marked as Locked.
Why use it? This is particularly useful if you create an Invoice up front, such as billing for a deposit, however the work hasn't yet been carried out. Previously once the timesheets or expenses were entered, you were required to write these transactions off, or absorb them into the next Invoice. |
New forecast graph chartWhat is it? A simple bar chart that displays monthly forecast totals and actual billing total. You can select to display all sub Project totals or a particular sub project.
Why use it? There is currently no way to view past months forecast totals, as the forecast view only displays the current month forward 12 months. |
Run reports from within the projectWhat is it? Run reports directly from the project, without going to the Reports Manager. All standard and customised reports are available.
Why use it? We've often had our clients wanting to create a report directly from the project, to save from applying the project filter. |
Enhancements to Contractor noticesWhat is it? When creating a contractor notice, you can now select from a list of Contractor Notice Types. This can then be carried through to the document templates you have created for Contractor Notices. Also new columns have been added to the Notices screen - Contractor's Notice Type and Contractor's Notice #.
Why use it? There are many reasons why you are receiving a notice from the Contractor, so being able to create your own list and then specify the reason when adding to the system, takes all the guess work out. |
Startup Synergy to a particular moduleWhat is it? Go to User settings and select which module you'd like Synergy to open up to - by default it will open up to My Synergy.
Why use it? If you only use Synergy for Timesheets, or you'd like to always open up directly to Projects. |
Export data as a report REALLY quicklyWhat is it? On all screens where the data is displayed in a grid, you can now right click and select Export to Report. Why use it? Instead of going to the report manager, and applying a project filter and then adding/removing columns, you can just export the data you see. |
View the contact record from the personnel recordWhat is it? When you have a Personnel record open - whether that be from the Project or the Personnel Contacts module, by selecting the underlined word Contact, you are able to open the Company Contact record. This eliminates the need to go looking for the Contact record.
Why use it? It's a quick way of getting to your data quicker. |
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