MYOB V19 Connect Settings

Synergy has developed an automatic integration between Synergy and MYOB - MYOB Connect.  This allows invoices / credits and expenses to be added to MYOB with the click of a button and invoice payments made in MYOB will travel back to Synergy.


Configuration Settings

Select Settings to setup the type of information you wish to pull from Synergy to automatically go to MYOB V19.  This is a one-off setting that is changed only when a new version of MYOB is installed or the MYOB data file location is changed.

New Connection

If you have more than one datafile that you need to sync invoices and expenses to, then you need to create a new connection.


Select the options to be used each time a transfer occurs. These should only need to be changed when an upgrade of MYOB occurs. 

Tip: It's important that if you are starting to use a sync feature for the first time, that the start date be changed to the current date - however make sure you run the sync for existing sync features before applying settings for the new sync feature.

Tip: If you want to sync only invoices or only expenses or only payments, you can at any time select the 'No Export' at the Source selection for each export option.

Sync filters  

Exclude invoices or expenses from the export. A good example of this is if you have project numbers that need to be split over 2 different datafiles. A new connection can be created so you have settings for 2 different datafiles, however you will need to specify what it is that will be the filter to split the invoices across 2 or more datafiles.  


Locate MYOB Connect settings - Invoices to learn more.




Set which way payments should be imported / exported with Synergy.

Supplier Expenses

You can select whether or not you want Supplier expenses to be sync'd to MYOB.  view example

Locate MYOB Connect settings - Supplier expenses to learn more.

Staff Expenses  

You can select whether or not you want Staff expenses to be sync'd to MYOB.

Locate MYOB Connect settings - Staff Expenses to learn more.

Multiple account codes

Some of the options above only allow you to sync transactions to a single account code - meaning each Invoice or Expense may not be broken down across multiple account codes.

  Locate Split data to account codes in MYOB to learn more.

Return to these settings when

MYOB release an upgrade as you will need to indicate the version of MYOB being used.

Tip: MYOB often introduce new import fields that will not exist in the Synergy export routine.  Please contact Synergy for further information. 

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