Error generating documents in MS Office® 2010


You receive the error: 'Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A175D' when generating a document whilst logged into Synergy.

Reason for error

When a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file is opened, it is opened in Protected View until the user decides to trust and edit it. You may have noticed a Protected View pop up occurring in MS Office® 2010 (or higher). 

Solution 1

  1. Login to Synergy as using a account with 'System Administrator' access level.
  2. Select the Tools Menu > System Settings.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. In the Document Templates section, tick the box for "Keep local copies of templates to improve access times across the network".
  5. Click save.

Solution 2

  1. Open MS Word®.
  2. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options.
  3. Click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings.
  4. Click Protected View. Uncheck the following items:
    1. Enable protected view for files originating from the internet.
    2. Enable protected view for files located in potentially unsafe locations.
    3. Enable protected view for Outlook attachments.
  5. Select OK.

Click the image above to view the settings to uncheck in MS Word.

Tip: Learn more about how to create local copies of document templates.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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