Project Forecast Tab

A forecast tab on the project is used to view the forecast amount for the project and sub projects, compared to the amount invoiced for each month.

What is the Forecast Tab?

The Project Forecast builds upon the Agreed fee and Budget data entered against Sub Projects to build a future cash flow budget based upon the sum of individual project plans. The Cash flow budget can be augmented by predicting cash flow for jobs that are in submission with the cash value depreciated by an expected success factor providing a pipeline cash forecast. The combination of the won project cash flow and the pipeline cash flow provide a total cash flow forecast for the practice. On the Forecast tab, view a Summary of the forecast values in both the list and chart views.

Synergy Project Forecasting provides for an initial forecast to be developed and captured as a baseline forecast which may then be contrasted with the ongoing rolling forecast.

Why use the Forecast Tab?

Use the forecast tab to check on the progress of one or all Sub Projects. Compare the planned forecast revenue values (baseline) against what was actually invoiced. Know what Sub Projects to follow-up with the staff about, to see why the forecast revenue does not match what was invoiced.

Forecast List

Use forecast list to review the forecast values for each of the Sub Projects. Monitor the residual forecast values using the colour coding (red / blue) to see what values need to be adjusted in the forecast. The forecast displays a monthly breakdown of values for the next 12 months, and the 12+ month column contains a sum of any other future months forecast values.

Click the list above to view the forecast values for a project.
Notice the residual values are shown in blue, as the forecast fee has not been entirely allocated for those Sub Projects.


Forecast Chart

Use the forecast chart to see at a glance how each Project or Sub Project is performing. Compare the baseline forecast value (planned revenue targets), with the rolling month updated forecast values (current forecast values) and the invoiced values (charged value).


The example below displays a single Sub Project. The Baseline values were set for the initial sub project forecast of 10 months (shown in green). The sub project work was later delayed, which resulted in the forecast revenue being adjusted to be split over 12 months instead (shown in blue). This can be seen by comparing the baseline and forecast values below.

The work for August and September was completed ahead of the planned schedule. This resulted in a higher invoice value for August, and a lower value in September (shown in pink).

Click on this image to view the chart which displays the forecast, baseline, and the invoiced values for the selected Sub Project.

Actions available for the chart

Suggested Reports

The following reports are available for download from the Synergy online library, to use for Project Forecasting Reporting. NEW 4.8

Report Category Report Title

Project Revenue Forecast +

Reports the forecast values for all projects in Synergy, displaying a monthly breakdown for the first 12 months, and a 13 month+ column to display the forecast for anything greater than 12 months out. Proposal Success Factors adjustments are applied to the values in this report when the project is at Proposal status.

Project Revenue Forecast + (No Adjustments)

As above but Proposal Success Factors adjustments are not applied to the values in this report.


Try adding the following report filters:

"Project Manager IS David Choice" to display all the forecast values for David's projects.

'Project Office Name IS SYDNEY" to display all forecast values for projects linked to the Sydney office.

Sub Project

Sub Project Revenue Forecast +

View a breakdown of the forecast values by sub project, over a 12 month period. Use the 13+ months column to see any forecast values scheduled for greater than 12+months out. Proposal Success Factor adjustments are applied to the values in this report when the project / sub project is at proposal status.

Sub Project Revenue Forecast + (No Adjustments)

As above but Proposal Success factor adjustments are not applied to the values in this report.


Try adding the following report filters:

"Project Reference Name IS Australia Golf Club" to view the forecast values for only the Australian Golf Club project.

"Project Manager IS David Choice" to display all the forecast values for David's projects.

'Project Office Name IS SYDNEY" to display all forecast values for projects linked to the Sydney office.


Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try the following Forecasting topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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