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Reports > Edit Report > Filters tab |
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All categories of reports contain the following filter options:
IS |
Filter an exact specific piece of data. Start to type into the field provided and a list will start to populate that contains the text entered. Select one or many from the list. E.g. 'The Georgian Warehouse Development' is the Project Title. By typing 'The', a list of Projects that start with 'The' will appear alphabetically. |
Return all records EXCEPT the data selected. Use for returning all Projects except for Proposals. E.g. You would select Project Status IS NOT Proposal, therefore returning all Project not set to the status of Proposal. |
Return records that contain the word entered. Search for say Projects that have the word Warehouse in the Project title - instead of being as specific with the IS. This would return all Projects with the word filtered. E.g. By adding the Contains filter 'Warehouse' our Project 'The Georgian Warehouse Development' will appear, as will any other Project that has the word 'Warehouse' in the Title. |
Return records where the data field is Blank. Report on data fields that are NOT mandatory. E.g. you wouldn't use IS NULL against say Project number, because that's not possible, the Project number can never be null. Instead you'd use for an Attribute report on Market Sector and check where it has blanks, as you need to ensure this data has been filled in. |
View Projects with a specific or within a fee value range.
IS |
Filter an exact specific piece of data. E.g. Project Fee is EXACTLY $50,000 - only Projects of this value would be returned. |
Return records less than the value selected. E.g. Project Fee is less than $50,000 - returns Projects up to a value of $49,999. |
Return records greater than the value selected. E.g. Project Fee is greater than $50,000 - returns Projects with a value of $50,001 and over. |
Return records within a value range. E.g. Project Fee is between $0 and $50,000 - returns Projects with a value in this range including Projects that have a fee of $0 and $50,000. |
There are a number of date filter options without getting to specific, that make is really easy to reuse saved reports.
Locate Using dates filters to learn more.
If you want to setup your own custom reporting periods, locate the report periods setup topic to find out more. NEW 4.8
Tip: Need to remove an existing filter from a report? Click the eraser icon
in the current filters table to remove it
from your report.
NEW 4.8
Review all sub projects changed from Proposal to Active within the previous month.
Open a Sub project summary report > Select Sub project status change from Proposal > Select Sub project status change to Active > Select Sub project status change date IS last month
Other options > review proposal changed to unsuccessful and this can also be done at the project level
Review a list of Projects, which have an Active (All) status. Active (All) includes all Projects that have an Active status, including any custom created Status. Custom Project status are created within Project Status Maintenance. Locate Project Status Maintenance topic to learn more.
Open a Project List Report > Select Project Status > Select Project Status IS Active (All)
Other Options > review all Projects that have the Proposal (All) status. This includes the Proposal status, and any custom created Proposal status.
Return a list of Projects that are attached to my list of Projects.
Review sub projects that are currently set to active that have a zero fee where the sub project is fixed fee.
Open the Sub project summary report > Select Sub project status IS Active > Select Sub project fee IS $0.00
By default when you add filters at the Project level, we place an OR between each Project filter. Then when you add a Sub project filters again we place an OR between each Sub project filter and so on. We place AND between the last project filter and the first sub project filter. So we're saying look for projects with these criteria, as well as the following criteria at the Sub project level.
Multiple filters are joined together with 'AND' or 'OR'. The 'AND' will display results that have 1 particular filter as well as another filter. The 'OR' will display results that have 1 particular filter or another filter.
Changing the join enables the user to set the default OR between filters to AND. Changing the join is a tool provided for advanced users, who may find themselves running data out to MS Excel®.
I've opened the Project Listreport.
Add the filter Attribute IS Commercial. This is going to return all Projects that have the Commercial attribute attached to it.
Add the filter Attribute IS Residential. This will return all Projects that have the Residential OR Commercial attribute attached to it.
Though you can change the 'OR' to 'AND'
What we get now is only Projects that have both Commercial and Residential attached to it. So if a Project has only Commercial attached, that Project will not be returned when using this particular 'AND' join in the filter. It would only appear when the filter is set to 'OR'.
Sometimes though you just wouldn't do certain combinations with the 'AND' join:
Project status IS Active
AND Proposal: a
Project can't be both Active
and Proposal at the same time
Project manager IS Joe AND
Steve: a Project
has only one Project manager
We will add the most logical join on your filters. For example when adding a filter for Project and then a filter for Sub project, we automatically place AND between the 2.
The AND/OR cannot be changed across different data sources. For example, the AND between a Project filter and a Sub project filter cannot be changed to OR. The join can be changed for filters within the same selection.
Having added a Projectfilter to a Projectreport, it is then available at the sub project and transaction reports as well. If you've added a Project filter on a Transaction report, going to a Project report, the Project filter will now be available to append. Though if you've added a Transaction filter to a Transaction report and go to a Project report, the Transaction filter will not be available to append, as Transaction (and Sub project) filters and results are not available on project reports.
Project reports |
Sub project reports |
Transaction reports |
Project filter added |
Sub project filter added |
Transaction filter added |
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