Upgrade instructions

Follow the steps below to upgrade Synergy to the latest version on the server, and on client PCs.


Step 1: Login to the server as Administrator

Make sure you are using the Administrator account login on the server, before you start to upgrade Synergy.

Step 2: Check what version of Synergy is installed

The upgrade process for Synergy will vary based on the version currently installed on the server. Check the Synergy version by:

  1. Open Synergy by double clicking the shortcut on the desktop of the Synergy server.
  2. Login to Synergy.
  3. Select the Help > About Synergy option.
  4. The current version of Synergy is displayed in the pop-up window.

If you are on Synergy version 4.7.4 or prior, please follow these upgrade instructions.

Step 3: Get prerequisite files 

The installer will check your system for prerequisite applications.  These must be installed before Synergy can be upgraded.

The Synergy server may reboot as part of the prerequisite installation process.

The above screen is not shown if the prerequisite files are already installed on the Server or PC.

If you have previously upgraded to Version 4.7.4 or higher, then the installation of the prerequisite files is already complete.

Step 4: Pause the Synergy Cloud Sync

Before starting the Synergy upgrade you must make sure that any sync's for Synergy Cloud Services have been paused. Learn more about what this process is in the Synergy Cloud Sync - technical overview topic.


Step 5: Upgrade the Synergy database server to 4.9.10 

Complete the steps below to upgrade Synergy to the latest release. This process outlines how to upgrade from the Synergy 4.7.6 (or higher) release to the latest Synergy version 4.9.10 .

Complete this step on the server. Learn more about the Synergy database server location.

Step 6: Enable the Cloud Sync

After the upgrade is complete, you need to re-start the sync for Synergy Cloud Services. Learn more about what this process is in the Synergy Cloud Sync - technical overview topic.

Step 7: Upgrade the PCs to 4.9.10 

After upgrading the Synergy server to the latest version, each of the desktops will be upgraded. When users next login to Synergy after the server upgrade has been completed, they will be prompted to update the software on their PC.

Choose one of the following installation methods:

  1. Manual PC Upgrade Process
  2. MSI Installer


Tip: Click here to install the MS Outlook® plugin.

Step 8: Tell everyone about it 

Email your staff to let them know Synergy Version 4.9.10 is now available.

Learn more about the new features in this release.

Learn more about extra details added to the help files in this release.

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