Version 4.8.0 - What's new in this release

Synergy 4.8.0 Major Release

Learn what new features were included in the Synergy 4.8.0 release.

View a complete list of the changes in Synergy 4.8.0 and 4.8.2 releases

New Look of the Synergy Help Files


Help now opens in your default web browser

What is new? The new features added to the Help Files module are:  

  1. Launches in a web browser - Press F1 and help will launch in your default web browser, always displaying the latest help version.
  2. Improved search functionality - Search now ranks the results to display the most relevant at the top of the Google style results list.
  3. Print any topic - Use the print icon to print any topic. The topics will all now fit on a standard A4 page when printed.
  4. New look and feel - New colour scheme and navigation options. Use the expanding text boxes, or click on a thumbnail picture to open the picture in full size.


Why use it? Use help to learn more about Synergy. The new style of help is always up to date, and makes it easier to find the information you are looking for quickly.

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Resource and Capacity Planning


Use the Project Planning Board to assign resources and staff to project tasks.

What is new? The new features added to the Projects module are:  

  1. Project Plan tab - New tab in the Project which now contains the Sub Projects tab.
  2. Work Breakdown and Schedule tabs - Are found in the Project Plan tab. Use these to create Project Budgets for each Sub Project, Task, Rate, and Staff Member. Schedule the staff member who will complete each task.
  3. Planning Boards - Schedule which staff member will complete a task for a project. Use the Capacity Boards to see which staff or rates have available time to complete the work.


Why use it? More accurately plan your projects, by creating a work breakdown structure with tasks and budgets, defining how long it will take each rate or staff member to complete. Check if there are departments with available work time using the planning boards.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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Project Forecasting


Set the target revenue for each sub project and track against a forecast baseline

What is new? The new features added to the Project Forecasting module are:  

  1. Forecast Duration - Set your project forecast to be greater than 12 months.
  2. Forecast Residual - New icons added to explain how the forecast residual value is calculated, and to auto split the residual forecast value over the number of months selected as the forecast duration.
  3. Baseline - Enter the planned project revenue as a baseline forecast when setting up the project. Lock the baseline value in place, to stop further edits. Use the baseline to compare the planned revenue (Baseline) against the revised revenue forecast values, and invoiced values.
  4. Forecast Reports - The forecast tab and Synergy reports have a new column for '12+ months' which displays the sum value of the forecast that is more than 12 months out. The graph on the forecast tab has a 'baseline value' column added.


Why use it? Compare the planned revenue targets for each sub project (Baseline values) against the updated revenue forecast values, and the invoiced revenue values.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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Management Reports


Check on the health of your business using Management Reports

What is new? The new features added to the Reports module are:  

  1. Management Reports - Report on Forward Loading, Revenue per Utilised Hour, Utilised Hours, Project Profit, Revenue per Staff, Costs and Revenue, Project Win Loss.
  2. Customise the reports - Change the report settings to display a bar or line chart, and select what filters are applied to the report.
  3. My Synergy plugins - Add each of these reports to the My Synergy dashboard as a plugin. Double click the plugin to run the report.


Why use it? View at a glance how the business is performing. Export the graph to use in company presentations.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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Synergy Cloud Services


Use Synergy Mobile Applications using smart phones, tablets, or desktop computers

What is new? The new features available in Synergy Cloud Services are:  

  1. Sync your Synergy database to the cloud - To act as a backup for all the important Synergy data, and get access to Synergy Cloud Services.
  2. Enter Timesheets and Expenses, and look up Projects and Contacts in a web browser.


Why use it? Have access to all business information anywhere, anytime. All you need is an internet connection to log into Synergy Cloud Services. Use a smart phone, tablet or a desktop computer to access the Synergy mobile applications.. 

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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Mandatory Attributes


Mark an attribute to be mandatory

What is new? The new features added to the Attributes module are:  

  1. 'Mandatory' check box - Mark an attribute as mandatory, to ensure it is completed when creating or amending projects, contacts, personnel, contracts, and staff records.
  2. Save Check - Users cannot save without entering the mandatory attribute on projects, contacts, personnel, contracts, and staff records.


Why use it? Mark an attribute as mandatory to ensure that this data is always entered by the user. Display the attribute details on Synergy reports or documents.

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My Synergy Tabs


Group plugin's together using the My Synergy tabs

What is new? The new features added to the My Synergy module are:  

  1. My Synergy Tabs - Setup 5 tabs of plugin's on your My Synergy dashboard, and enter a title for each tab.
  2. Tabs in My Synergy Profiles - Configure the default dashboard for all 5 tabs, to be shown for new staff record. Configure which plugin's should be shown on each tab, and what the default tab title is.


Why use it? Make it easier to find the data you are looking for, by grouping together your My Synergy plugin's. This will keep all similar task plugin's together on the same tab, to make them easier to locate.

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Default List Views


Set the list to always open with a selected filter applied

What is new? The new feature added to the General Lists is:  

  1. Set the default list view for when the list opens to apply a certain filter. Available in Project List, Contact List, Personnel List, and Invoice Maintenance List.


Why use it? Save time by starting Project, Contact or Invoice Maintenance lists with your most commonly used filter applied. 

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Project Mapping Application and Project Co-ordinates


View the project site address in Google Maps

What is new? The new features added to the Projects module are:  

  1. Project Co-ordinates - Enter the Latitude and longitude of the Project Site Address on the Project General Tab. read more
  2. Project Locations - View on a map the project site address, and all linked project contact addresses.
  3. Project Locations - View on a map multiple project site addresses, and the linked project contact addresses.


Why use it? Locate where the Project Site Address is on a map, before you go on a site visit. View multiple projects on a single map.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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Project Budgets


Create Budgets for a Task, a Staff Member or as a Lump Sum Value

What is new? The new features added to the Project Budgets module are:  

  1. Task vs Activity - The 'Activity' column has been renamed throughout Synergy to be 'Task'.
  2. Unit - 'Lump Sum' budget value can be entered for a sub project if you select a sub project and not a rate.
  3. Task - New column to add budget for each of the tasks required to complete a sub project.
  4. Staff - New column to add budget time required for a staff member to complete sub project tasks.
  5. Work Breakdown Structure - When Resource Planning is enabled, you can perform all the Budgeting tasks within the Work Breakdown Structure tab, whilst setting up the Project Plan.


Why use it? Enter a lump sum budget when you are not sure which person or rate will complete the task. Budget at a task and staff member level to add more detail to the project plan. 

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Project Copy


Create a new project by copying an existing project

What is new? The new features added to the Projects module are:  

  1. General project details - Select which details are copied to the new project.
  2. Copy extra details - Select which Sub Projects, Fees, Contacts, and Team Members will be copied.
  3. Enter attributes - Enter the Attributes for the new project.


Why use it? Copy an existing project to quickly create a new project. Great to use if the new project will have the same Sub Projects, Fees and Contacts, as it will save time on data entry. 

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Sub Project Client Reference #


Enter a Client Reference Number on each Sub Project

What is new? The new features added to the Sub Projects module are:  

  1. Client Reference Number field - Located on the Sub Project General tab.
  2. Optional Column - Sub Projects Tab allows you to add the 'Client Reference #' as an optional column via a Right Mouse click.
  3. Reports and Document Templates - Add this as an extra column in reports, or as extra information in the fee table of your invoice document templates.


Why use it? Record client reference numbers for each section of the project. 

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Project - WIP Write Off Reason Codes


Use reason codes to track why each WIP write off occurred

What is new? The new features added to the WIP Write Off process are:  

  1. System Setting - Define if reason codes are mandatory/optional when completing a WIP write off.
  2. Reason Code Maintenance - Setup reason codes to appear in the drop down list.
  3. Enter Reason Code and Comment - In the WIP write off wizard select the reason code, and enter the reason comment.
  4. Reporting - Add the reason code details to Synergy reports.


Why use it? Track why WIP was written off, and not invoiced. Display on Synergy reports to review which WIP transactions have been written off for each project. Make reason codes mandatory to ensure that the data is always available for Synergy reports.

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Reports - New Settings and Icons


Personalise your Synergy reports

What is new? The new features added to the Reports module are:  

  1. Default time and expenses report - Within System Settings choose the default timesheet and expense report, which will be displayed to all users via Time and Expenses > Print Report icon. read more
  2. Eraser Icon - Remove an individual column or filter when configuring a Synergy report using the eraser icon. read more
  3. Average - When using the merge duplicate rows feature, use the 'Average' option on numerical columns.
    Average is shown for the merged duplicate rows. read more
  4. Report Periods - Define custom date ranges to use in report filters and connect filter settings. read more

Why use it? Control which report all users see by default for time and expenses, and easier configuration of your Synergy reports using the eraser icon. Remove the duplicate rows on a report and display the average for a column.

Reporting using Excel Templates


Setup a default style for when you save a Synergy report to MS Excel®

What is new? The new features added to the Reports module are:  

  1. Report Format - Select the new 'Excel (Using Template)' option, then choose which template to be applied to the report.
  2. New Excel Template - Create a new template for you or all users from the 'Excel Template' drop down on the reports Style and Save tab.


Why use it? Create default company look for all Excel exported reports, and share it with all your Synergy users. Set up Excel templates with pre-programmed advanced options which can be used by users with minimal excel skills.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 

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HTML Email Templates


Create client emails using Rich HTML content, and use bookmarks to add Synergy information into the email

What is new? The new features added to the Templates module are:  

  1. Email Templates - Define the text, fonts, and colours of the email template. Add Bookmarks to automatically add Synergy details to the client communication emails.
  2. Select a Template - In the new email wizard choose which email template to use. Available for emails created within Projects, Project Invoices, Contacts, Personnel, and Staff Lists.


Why use it? Save time creating emails by letting Synergy populate all the default content for you. Create email templates to send to clients, or for internal communications.

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Contact Account Manager


Define which Staff member is responsible for the Contact

What is new? The new feature added to the Contacts module is:  

  1. 'Account Manager' field - Choose a staff member from the drop down list.
  2. Optional Column - Add the 'Account Manager' column to Contact List.
  3. Reporting - Add the 'Account Manager' as a column or filter to Contact reports.
  4. Document Templates - Add the details of the 'Account Manager' and office details templates.


Why use it? Easily locate who is looking after each of your clients by populating the account manager field on a contact. 

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