FAQ - Invoices and Credit Notes

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FAQ's on Invoicing

Getting Started

Change an Invoice number

A sub project doesn't appear in the list for invoicing

Timesheet is not available for invoicing

PDF invoice error with Word 2013 installed

Restrictions with draft invoices

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FAQ's on Credit Notes

FAQ's on Pre-Billing / Revenue Recognition

Types of credit notes

Credit a supplier expense

Cancel the entire invoice

Discount a disputed invoice

Write off an unpaid invoice

Print the credit note document

Returned credited transactions to WIP

Credit created for wrong invoice - Undo the credit

Amend a paid invoice and keep the same invoice number

Reset or Undo a completed Connect sync

Delete a cancelled invoice

Transactions are on the wrong invoice

Adjust the profitability of transactions

Invoice 10% of the fee upfront

View upfront invoices on reports


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