Apply a credit for Supplier expense already invoiced

If you've raised an invoice that incorporated a Supplier Expense, it is locked down and cannot be changed. This will prove challenging if a credit is issued for some or all of the Supplier expense. Here we work through the steps to enter the credit.  

Create a negative office item

  1. Go to Practice > Rates.
  2. Select New.
  3. Provide a Description such as Discount or Credit.
  4. Cost per unit and Charge per unit should be -$1.00.
  5. Save and Close.

Enter a negative office expense

  1. Open the project the credit is to be entered against.
  2. Select Transactions, then Add New Office Expense.
  3. Select the Sub Project.
  4. Select the Credit rate.
  5. The date should be the date of the original Supplier Invoice.
  6. At Units enter a number that represents the Credit amount - don't worry about the negative symbol.
  7. Type a note that reflects who the Supplier was and why there is a credit.
  8. Save.

Write off the expense

Even though the original supplier expense is in the system and attached to the Invoice, writing the office item off will create a negative cost and charge item that will recalculate the project profitability.

  1. Select the Time and Expenses tab.
  2. From drop down at the screen filter, select WIP or Expenses.
  3. Locate the negative Office Item.
  4. Select Write Off.

Before the write off

Here is a look at the sub project Profitability tab.

After the write off

A $60 credit was entered against the sub project and then written off - notice the Inv. Cost has gone down after the office item credit is written off.

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