Reset Connect

What you should consider BEFORE pressing the 'Reset' button in MYOB V19 (Classic) or QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) Connect.

Tip: These notes do not apply to MYOB AccountRight Live Connect or Xero Connect products.


I’ve got a problem with Connect, I’ll just press Reset. Before you touch that button…


Each time sync is created with Connect a flag is allocated against the invoice, credit and payment. This is stored in the database so next time the sync is executed, Synergy knows not to send the same record again.

If the datafile is 'reset', then this flag is removed. The next sync that is generated will detect that all the invoices, credits and payments records need to be exported again. For this reason use the reset with caution!!

The reset the datafile feature is available for MYOB AccountRight and QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier) Connect (Not required for Xero Connect).

Contact Total Synergy Support before you reset the data sync. We may have a better solution than resetting all records, to stop the records from being re-sync’d to your accounting system.


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