Enter timesheets or expenses for another staff member in your office using the 'View a different staff member' feature.
Setup required before use |
Who Can Use It? | Where Is It? |
Data entry available to: Staff Managers Director Administrator System Administrator
View only available to: Project Manager |
Timesheets > |
Timesheet and expense transactions can require to be entered for other staff members. This allows for a Director to request that another user enter their expenses for them after returning from a business trip, or general monthly expenses that they need to be reimbursed for. If the staff member is out of the office, another staff member can also enter their timesheets for them.
This provides a method to ensures that all the required transactions are shown within the project ready for invoicing to the client. The staff would need to provide a list of the work completed for each date to allow the timesheets to be entered, or a copy of the receipts to allow expense entry.
Enter or edit time and expense transactions for another staff member when they are not in the office.
This feature is found in the top right corner of the time and expense screen, above the calendar. This is available to users that have Project Manager access level or higher. View another staff member's time and expenses by:
Click the image above to view the User Selection screen.
Tip: User and Assistant Project Manager access levels cannot view the time and expenses entered by another user.
The view a different staff member button is shown to Project Manager access level or higher staff accounts. In addition Staff Managers also have access to this feature. Project Manager access level staff can view time and expense transactions for a different staff member, but they cannot add or edit records. A information message is shown to advise the user that they have read only access (see the image below).
Click the image above to view the read only message for Project Manager access level.
View alternate staff members time and expenses to check that the transactions have been entered correctly. Send the staff member a Synergy Note or raise a transaction query if the transaction requires adjustment. If the staff member is unavailable to make the changes, following the instructions below to add or edit transactions.
The ability to add or edit time and expenses is available to Director access level or higher. In addition Staff Managers also have access to this feature.
Add new transaction, or edit existing transactions when the staff member is unavailable to make the required changes.
Tip: Click on these links to read detailed instructions on how to enter timesheets, cash expenses, travel expense.
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