Cash Expenses

Enter cash expense to be reimbursed for project and <Office> related expenses that you have already paid for.

Tip: If claiming for car mileage expenses then use the Travel expenses tab.

What are Cash Expenses?

Capture all out of pocket expenses.  These can be entered against a project or the <Office> project for non-project related expenses.  These types of expenses are taxis, flights, fuel, stationery that the staff has paid out of their own pocket and need to be reimbursed.

Use the history rows to quickly enter new cash expense entries, or copy the cash expense from an alternate date if you are entering similar entries today.

Cash Expenses linked to a Project are shown on the Project > Time and Expenses tab. This allows the staff cash expenses to be invoiced to the clients using the charge out rate. The Project 'Charge Value' (charge out rate) for all Cash Expenses was calculated using the Supplier (default) rate markup value. e.g. If the default supplier rate has a markup value set of 20%, then all cash expenses entered by staff will appear with a 20% markup within the Project.

A new 'cash rate' type was introduced in the Synergy 4.9.4 release, which allows staff to select the markup % rate to be applied when entering their expenses. Project managers can also update the cash rate on transaction based invoices to an alternate cash rate when required. The cash rates and markup values are configured in Practice > Rates List.

Why use Cash Expenses?

Claim the cost of project or internal <Office> expenses for which you require to be reimbursed.

Actions available

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Tip: When Project Phases are active on a project, the Phase name is shown with the Sub Project names in the Sub Project drop down list. This makes it easy to find the sub project you are looking for, if the same Sub Project name is used in multiple phase groups. NEW 4.9.0

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