Time and expense approvals

Approvals is a system that allows the user to enter timesheets or expenses on a weekly or daily basis.  When the day or week is complete, a tick box is checked to submit the entries for approval.  The staff manager for the user then works through an approval wizard, checking the users entries.  Once approved the entries are locked into the system and submitted as WIP against the project.

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 


Approval settings > System Administrator

Make changes to My Synergy dashboard

All staff need to switch on the Notes plugin, as when a manager declines an entry the user will be notified to make changes via the internal notes system. There is also an Alert that will notify Staff managers when their staff have submitted timesheets or expenses that are ready for approval. 

Submit the timesheet for approval

Important - Timesheet Submit

It is important that once approvals is turned on, that all staff are advised to press the Submit button when they finish adding a day/week of timesheets. Submitting the timesheet will include the items in WIP, and submit the items to the manager for approval. The submit button is shown within the circle in the image below.

Print expenses to be approved

Approve timesheets

Tips - What are the Approved and Declined options?

Declining a timesheet entry

Resubmit declined entry  

The staff member now needs to make changes to the timesheet entry and then resubmit for approval.

Modify <Office> timesheets  

As no project manager is responsible for the <Office> project, a system administrator or staff manager can unlock a users timesheet entry that has been allocated to the <Office> project.

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