Enter travel expense to track mileage claims, toll charges, and other fixed cost travel related expenses.
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Timesheets > Travel Expenses Tab |
Tip: Travel expense items are automatically set to be 'tax free'. If the item includes tax (GST) please enter this using the cash expenses tab.
Travel expenses allow staff to claim the cost of fixed rate expenses such as mileage for the company car, mileage for the staff members personnel car, or tolls. Travel expenses can be entered for a Project cost when the expense should be invoiced to the client, or for the <Office> project when the expense relates to an internal task. Travel expense are entered for items that the staff member has paid out of their own pocket and needs to be reimbursed for.
Use the history rows to quickly enter new travel expense entries, or copy the travel expense from an alternate date if you are entering similar entries today.
Travel Expenses linked are shown on the Project > Time and Expenses tab. This allows the staff travel expenses to be invoiced to the clients using the charge out rate. The Project 'Charge Value' (charge out rate) for all Travel Expenses is calculated using the Charge Per Unit value entered on the Travel Rate item. The rate the staff member is reimbursed at is defined from the 'Cost per unit' field on the travel rate item.If the charge out rate for the project should be the same as the cost, then the charge per unit on the travel item must be set the same as the cost per unit. The travel rates are configured in Practice > Rates List.
Capture all mileage travelled by staff where they need to be reimbursed for a per kilometre rate.
Enter an expense using history by:
Tip: Use the History Days buttons to adjust how many days in the past the time and expense items are listed i.e. 8 days past timesheet and expense entries are listed to allow quick entry of today's expenses for repeating project work and costs.
If the same expense is required to be entered on multiple dates, you can use the copy feature to quickly create these entries. When using the Copy feature you will be able to copy timesheet, cash expense, and travel expense entries for the selected date.
Tip: Click the Delete button on a date row to remove it from the Copy. This is useful if you selected the incorrect date in the copy to calendar.
Click the image above to view a sample of the Copy window.
If a travel expense was entered incorrectly, the row can be deleted if it has not reached invoiced status .
Delete a travel expense by:
Use the Print button in the toolbar to create a report of all your entered expenses.
Click the image above to view the Expense Report window.
Click the image above to view a sample of an expense report.
Tip: The default expense report selected by your System Administrator is used by this feature. Change the default report for all users in System Settings > Time and Expenses > Time and Expense Reports.
When using approvals <Office> project expenses will be shown as locked. This occurs as no project manager is responsible for the <Office> project to complete the approval. A system administrator or staff manager can unlock a users expense entry that has been allocated to the <Office> project and adjust the entry if required. The approvals topic outlines more details on how to use this feature.
If approvals is active in Synergy, then each travel expense entered will be approved by a manager. If the manager requires more information about the expense, or it has been entered incorrectly they will decline the expense. When an expense is declined the declined status symbol is shown. Use the matching toolbar button to update the expense after reviewing the reason that the manager declined the original entry. The approvals topic outlines more about this feature, and how to resolve declined time and expense items.
The query status symbol is shown if the Project Manager has entered a question about why the expense exists for the project. This is commonly done if the project manager requires more information about the expense before they can invoice it to the client. Use the resolve transaction query to view the manager's question, and add a note answer back in reply. Learn more about transaction queries.
Tip: When Project Phases are active on a project, the Phase name is shown with the Sub Project names in the Sub Project drop down list. This makes it easy to find the sub project you are looking for, if the same Sub Project name is used in multiple phase groups. NEW 4.9.0
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