Data tables in document templates

Synergy document templates allows you to add Synergy data tables to display extra details from projects, sub projects, contacts and invoices. Which bookmarks can be added to the table will depend on table type. Tables are commonly used to show a breakdown of budget items, project fees, invoice details, transmittal summary and more.

Tip: Copy a template before modifying any details like a data table. Then your staff can keep using the existing template, whilst you work on creating the new format. It is also a great backup method, so you know what the template was setup like before you made any changes to the data tables.

Working with data tables

A table is first added to the bookmark schedule of a Synergy document template. Next the table can be configured with the required bookmarks and formatting options. The created MS Word® document will show the data table from synergy as a single (1) row only, even if it was setup as many rows in Synergy. The text shown in the table inside the word document is the Synergy table name added e.g. FEE DETAIL TABLE for an invoice or proposal document.

All data table types are configured in Synergy in the Edit Bookmarks process, not within MS Word®. However a default font type, font size, line spacing for a paragraph etc can be applied to the table in MS Word®.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Administration Tools topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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