Project Document Template

Create a Project Document to display what drawings have been created in the project drawing register, .and also display the project contacts, project notes, and sub project details.


What is a Project Document Template?

Project Document Templates can be generated from within the Project > Documents Menu > Create Project Document. Multiple project documents can be created in each Synergy database. This allows you to create a different document template for each type of task you would send out the project summary details on.

When creating the project document you can add bookmarks that can be placed anywhere within the MS Word® template document (document body or header and footer areas). Apply the formatting for these bookmarks within the MS Word® document template, to define what font, colours, and styles each of the bookmarks should be shown using in the output.

Data tables can also be added to the Project Document to show the project contact list, project notes details, sub project summary information, and a list of the drawings in the project drawing register. The data tables are formatted in Synergy in the Edit Bookmarks wizard to control if each row is bold, italic, or underlined. The font type and spacing for the table is defined in the MS Word® document template.

Why use a Project Document Template?

Create a summary of the Project for internal use or to send out to the Project Contacts.

Steps to create the template

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Drawing Register topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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