Transmittal Document Template

Create a Transmittal Summary Document to send to the project contacts, to display what drawings have been sent to the project contacts on this Project Transmittal. NEW 4.8.5


What is a Transmittal Document Template?

Track what drawings are sent to the project contacts on the Project Transmittal, and send a copy of this transmittal output using the Transmittal Document Template to create the Transmittal Summary Document. Multiple variations of this document template can be created, and the user can select the appropriate version to use when creating the Transmittal for the Project.

The Transmittal Summary Document created by this template can display the details of the drawings being sent on the Transmittal, as well as the details of any Project Contacts or Internal Staff that the document template is being sent too.

All Synergy users can create Transmittals, therefore there is no need for user access level security to be applied to this document template type and the transmittal templates are available to all users by default. The Project > Transmittal Create process also controls the file name and folder location of the document output file, therefore these fields are not available to be selected when creating the header for this template type.

Tip: To display the history of the previous Transmittals on the output, use the Excel Transmittal Template.

Why use a Transmittal Document Template?

Create a Transmittal Summary Document that displays the details of the current Project Transmittal.

Steps to create a Transmittal Document Template

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Transmittals topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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