Copy a document template

Find a template that already exists, and copy the template to be a new template for a similar task. The copied template can then be updated to have different bookmarks, or formatting in the MS Word® file as required.


Copy a document template

  1. Highlight (don't double click) the row of template to be copied.
  2. Click the Copy button in the top toolbar.
  3. Type in a new for the template (the name must be unique).
  4. Provide a description. This is used by the staff to see why to use each template when creating the documents.
  5. Select which office the template is for. (Applies to a multi office enabled Synergy Enterprise license only).
  6. Click save .
  7. A new template will appear in the list of registered documents.  Edit bookmarks and update the MS Word® layout as required.

Convert to Credit is available only in the Synergy product suite.


This feature is it copies the existing MS Word® template, the bookmarks and Synergy tables included in the document schedule, and their location in the MS Word® document template.  Update to include extra Synergy bookmarks, or change the text copy or formatting in the MS Word® document and it is ready for use.

Examples of when to use document template copy:

Convert to credit

Easily turn your invoice into a credit.  Copy an invoice, tick the option Convert to Credit.  This created a copy of the invoice template and bookmarks ready to be easily updated into a credit note. Review the instructions on how to modify an invoice template into a credit note in the following help topic about creating credit note document templates.

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Administration Tools topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: Concept Link IconView Topics


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