Move database servers &
restore the database using SQL Management Studio
There are a number of steps required to successfully move Synergy
from your existing database computer to a new or different database computer
Please follow these steps if the version
of SQL that to be installed on the new server, is different
to the version of SQL on the old server.
- If the new server will have the same
version SQL installed, please follow these steps: Click
- If you are unsure about doing
this, please contact support on +61 2 8197 9000.
- If you're only moving the Synergy directory this can
be done without moving database servers, refer to Office settings.
Summary of what needs to be carried out
your existing database server
the software on the new database server
Configure Microsoft SQL on the new database server
the data from the existing database server
the data to the new database server
Step 1 - Old database
computer > Download the installer
You need to install the
latest version on the new database computer, we'll download it first and
then make sure both computers are on the same version.
Complete the following steps:
- Open
- Select File > Database.
- Select Download the latest installer.
- When prompted if
you want to run select
Yes. The installer will commence.
If prompted that you are on the latest version, continue to Step 2.
- Log
back into Synergy, if prompted to upgrade select Yes.
Refer to Upgrade
database for more information.
Step 2 - Old database
computer > Copy the install files
At the first step the latest installer
was downloaded, we'll now move that over to the new database computer.
Complete the following steps:
- Open the Synergy
directory on the old database computer. Refer to
Office Settings,
if you're not sure where that is.
- Open the Client Installer
- Open the Synergy Practice Management folder.
- Select the most recent folder - the latest version of Synergy is 4.9.10.
- Copy and paste to a directory on the new database server (burn
to CD or copy to external drive if required).
Step 3 - New database
computer > Install the software
Complete the following steps:
- Browse to the directory copied at Step 2 - Item 5.
- Double click the setup.exe. Refer to
the Install step by step for more detailed
instructions. Please print and work through the instructions. Note these
instructions are for a new install, disregard the last page.
- The installer will commence. Allow all
prerequisites to install, followed by the Synergy Practice Management
4 - New database
computer > Install SQL server
Complete the following steps:
- Follow the instructions for installing
your version of SQL. The supported versions are: SQL 2008 Express R2, SQL Express 2012, and SQL Express 2014. The recommended version is SQL 2012, Express or Enterprise editions.
If you have not installation files then click here to download the files now.
- Install SQL 2012 Management Studio. For a step by step guide
on how to complete the install : Click
Download the installation files from Support in Synergy Cloud Services : - 32 bit installer click here
- OR 64 bit installer click here
- If you are not sure which of these options applies to you, please contact
our office on 61 2 8197 9000 and
please do not attempt to install SQL without reviewing the instructional
- Ensure Hide Advanced Options is unchecked
during the SQL Server Installation.
- Learn more about Support in Synergy Cloud Services.
5 - Old database computer > Backup
the database
It's important to request any
users to discontinue using Synergyuntil the
following steps are complete.
Complete the following steps:
- Login to on the old database
- Select File > Database > Database backup. Refer
to the Backup help
files for more information.
- Select Quick Backup.
- Select Finish.
- The folder will open. Copy the .bak
file dated today to your new database computer. NOTE:
DO NOT place the file on the desktop.
Tip: If you've had a system crash, obtain a backup from
your system backup.
6 - New database computer > Restore
the backup
Complete the following steps:
- Open
'Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio' on the new database computer.
Find this at Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 > SQL Server Management Studio.
- Login to SQL Server.
The username is 'sa' and the recommended password is either 'Synergy2008' for SQL2008 R2, 'Synergy2012' for SQL2012, or 'Synergy2014' for SQL2014.
NOTE: If you created a customised password in Step 4 'Installing SQL
on the server', then please enter this here.
- In the Object Explorer panel, highlight the 'Databases' folder.
- Right mouse click the Databases folder and select the 'Restore
Database' option.
- A pop-up will be shown. Select 'From Device' in the 'Source
for restore' section.
- Browse
to the backup file as created and copied at Step 5
(item 5 in the list).
- Check the 'Restore' box, in the 'Select the backup sets to
restore' table.
- In the 'Destination for restore' section, use the 'To database'
drop down to select 'Synergy' from the list.
- Go to the Options page (using the Select a page panel on the
left), and check the 'Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)'
box in the 'Restore Options" table.
- Go back to the General page. Confirm that the Synergy database
is shown, and the restore check box is selected. Press OK.
- The restore process can take a few minutes. Follow the progress
in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- When the restore is complete a pop-up is shown. Press OK.
- You can now close Management Studio. Restoring the database
backup is complete.
Tip: For Instructions to complete this task which include screen shot images
for each step, please click here.
Step 7 - New database
computer > Connect to the database
A database doesn't need to be created on the New computer, instead a
connection is created that links to a database name 'Synergy'.
In a step further on, the database from your Old
computer is restored into this connection.
Complete the following steps:
- Open
- Select File > Connection
- Select Connect to an
existing database.
- Select Enter the settings.
- Enter the Connection Wizard Settings - refer to the following
guide, though these are the details entered when the Synergy instance
was created.
Server Name
- this will be
the SQL instance name i.e. <server_name>\synergy
Database Name - enter Synergy
SQL User Name - this
is always sa unless otherwise stipulated if using Full SQL
- the default is
' Synergy2008' for the SQL2008 R2 edition, 'Synergy2012' for SQL 2012 edition, or 'Synergy2014' for the SQL 2014 Express edition.
- Select Finish. Click
Yes to the message that appears.
8 - Move the application directory
Complete the following steps:
browse to the location of the directory (as mentioned at Step 2 - Item
1), and copy the whole Synergy
- On the NEW DATABASE COMPUTER - paste the Synergy folder to the desired
location. This must be in a shared location should
you have other users accessing it.
It is very important that even though you may have
chosen not to use the Synergy directory to save files to the
Project directory, you will
still need to move this directory for other areas to function properly.
9 - New database computer > Final setup
Check the network path is correct
The database stores a path to
the Synergy directory and determines
where the Project folders and templates
are created and stored. It is very important this
path be changed within the database before users recommence using Synergy.
Complete the following steps:
- Login to Synergy.
- Select Tools > Office settings > Network.
- At server location, browse to the new location where the Synergy
directory resides - though DO NOT SELECT the Synergy directory.
an example of the Server
location path
- Save and close.
Tip: If you have a problem logging back into Synergy,
go to File > Database > Logged in users and remove anyone listed here.
Recreate the backup
- Login to Synergy on the new computer.
- Select
File > Database > Database Backup.
Please refer to Create
a backup topic for instructions on how to complete this task.
Tip: Please contact Synergy Support if you require assistance in recreating
the backup.
Phone: +61 2 8197 9000 between
8:30AM and 5PM AEST, or email
Recreate the database connection
for PCs
- Login to Synergy
on the new computer.
- Select
File > Database
> Rebuild Default database connection.xml.
- The system will validate the connection file.
- Select Rebuild. A new file will be created
within the Synergy directory.
10 - Old database computer > Lock the
Once you're certain everything is working and in the right place, we
can tidy up the directory on the old computer and lock the database. This
will ensure users don't accidentally connect to the old database or save
files to the old directory.
Complete the following steps:
- On the OLD DATABASE COMPUTER browse to the Synergy directory. Delete OR rename
it to something else - other than Synergy.
- On the OLD DATABASE COMPUTER open Synergyand select File > Database > Lock Database.
11 - Reconnect the PCs
PCs would have been pointed to the Old server, so now we need to connect
the PCs to the New server.
Complete the following steps:
- Open
on a computer using Synergy.
- Though don't login, select
File > Connection Wizard.
- Select Connect to an
existing database.
- Select Browse the network.
- Locate the Synergy
directory on the new database computer and select the Default Database
- Select Open.
- Login to Synergy.
- Repeat on each PC using Synergy.
You can now continue using Synergy Practice Management.
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