Create a Backup

Backup procedures are an integral part of running any business.  If a computer crashes or is stolen, having the ability to fall back on previous data will save time and money.  The active data file cannot be backed up without specialised MSSQL2005 Server backup utilities. Scheduling a backup with the Synergy application will ensure the standard office backup procedures will pick up the Synergy database in a format that can be restored. Synergyneeds to create it’s own .BAK file, similar to a zip file.  This file can then be included on a tape drive or similar backup. 


Launch the backup menu

This needs to be done on the SQL Database Server.

Using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise or SQL 2008 Express or Enterprise

Full SQL Server provides you with an SQL Server Agent that enables backup scheduling. The below instructions are available only if you are using full SQL Server.  

Using SQL Server 2005 Express

Microsoft SQL 2005 Express did supply an SQL Server Agent in this release. The SQL Server Agent is required to schedule backups within SQL, if you don't have SQL Standard or Enterprise. 

Create a quick backup

  This backup does not backup the full Synergy directory that contains your Project folders, invoices and templates.  This should form part of your standard office daily backup routine. 


Allows you to override the current database with a backup of Synergy.

Tip: The restore function cannot be undone - all data added to the database since the date of the backup will be lost by restoring a backup.

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