FAQ - Connect

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Xero Connect

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Xero Errors

Using Xero with Windows 8 and Google Chrome

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Quickbooks Connect

MYOB Connect

Quickbooks Errors

Job number doesn't appear in QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier)

Cancelled invoices appear on statements

Credits not appearing in QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier)

Rollback a completed Sync for QuickBooks (Reckon Accounts Premier)

Cancelled/Credit Invoice not syncing / check sync start date

'Reset' connect or 'undo a completed sync'

MYOB Errors

Sync doesn't work after upgrading MYOB

I use Windows 7, will I expect any issues?

I have a 64 bit PC, is there anything i need to do?

Rollback a completed Sync for MYOB

MYOB Export error log

Cancelled/Credit Invoice not syncing / check sync start date

'Reset' connect or 'undo a completed sync'


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