Process Invoices and Payments for MYOB Connect

Synergy has developed an automatic integration between Synergy and MYOB - Synergy Connect.  This allows invoices to be added to MYOB with the click of a button and invoice payments made in MYOB will travel back to Synergy.


Run Synergy Connect

Always backup MYOB before running a sync

Cancelled or Credit Invoices

If an Invoice has been cancelled or credited in Synergy a record will also be created in MYOB.  The cancelled or adjusted invoice record will appear on the account as a credit transaction, negating the original Tax Invoice transaction.

To apply: within MYOB go to Sales Register > Settle Debits/Credits > select the credit and Apply to Sale

Invoice Adjustments

Bad Debts in Synergy will appear in MYOB as an Adjustment.  Changing the status of an invoice to Paid, when no payment was received indicates a bad Debt, therefore writing off the balance of the invoices, without adjusting the original invoice value.  You can open the Sale in MYOB and modify the account code as necessary for Bad Debt write offs.

To apply : within MYOB go to Sales Register > Settle Debits/Credits > select the credit and Apply to Sale

Reset the datafile

Each time sync is created with MYOB Connect a flag is allocated against the invoice, credit and payment.  This is stored in the database so next time the sync is executed, we know not to send it over again.  If the datafile is reset, this flag is removed.  The next sync that is generated will detect that the invoices, credit and payment records need to be exported. 

Please note that it is highly recommended you reset the Start from date so these records are not re-exported.


Sync to MYOB

It's very important to note that if a payment is entered in Synergy and sent to MYOB, that if a change is made in Synergy i.e. it is deleted, we are unable to make the change in MYOB. You will need to do this manually. Though if the payment is deleted from MYOB, the payment will then be deleted from Synergy as well. The new payment as entered in MYOB will also be sent across to Synergy.   

Reverse a credit

If a credit has been created in error, this action can be undone. This will also affect the information going across to MYOB. Please follow these steps to apply the credit reversal correctly.  

Undo a completed Sync

Locate Rollback a completed MYOB sync - Troubleshooting topic to learn more.

Tip: This action will make all the previously exported items available for re-export, however it will not remove them from your accounting system.

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